A 97-year-old grandpa who draws pictures with Windows 95's 'Paint'
There are artists in the world who draw
The Pixel Painter - Digital Artist, Digital Paintings
LASKO's work can be seen from the following movies.
The Pixel Painter on Vimeo
This is HAL LASKO. Known as Grandpa (Grandpa). Born in Ohio on July 28, 1915, he is an artist who will soon be 98 years old.
The tool used by Mr. LASKO when drawing a picture is software 'Paint' when it comes with Windows 95
I face the screen with a serious look.
The paintings drawn by LASKO range from pointillism to abstract paintings.
If you look closely at this abstract painting, you can still see the dots.
house in the snow.
Below is the title 'Thriller'.
If you look closely, you can see how people are making a queue.
space highway
house on the hill
glowing fish
Avon trees
Looking up ......
Trees with autumn leaves are also delicately expressed.
LASKO survived World War II and made a living as a typographer at
I designed letters for advertisements like this and worked until I retired in the 1970s. At work, LASKO didn't put out an artistic side, but at home he worked on painting until late at night and drew various things.
After retiring, LASKO said that he was able to dedicate time to his thirst for art.
At the end of the 90's, when his grandson RYAN showed him Microsoft Paint with functions such as spray paint, LASKO was fascinated by Microsoft Paint and his talent blossomed. LASKO, who started to draw most of his pictures with Microsoft Paint, didn't realize how important this software would be to him until he lost some of his vision in 2005 due to
LASKO is looking at one of the early paintings.
It seems that he lost his eyesight and could not see the parts of what he was drawing. Furthermore, since then, LASKO's hearing has deteriorated.
But despite these setbacks, he still wakes up every morning and continues to be inspired to create. The following is the state of LASKO who went out somewhere.
What are you doing? So, I went to the shop and had the picture printed out. I have a good relationship with the store clerk calling each other by name.
A solo exhibition is also held.
Visitors will be fascinated by the delicate pictures drawn with pixels.
LASKO celebrates his 97th birthday with his family.
When asked, 'Do you think you draw a lot?' LASKO answered with a smile, 'That's all I do.' He lost his wife two years ago, but according to his son, RON, LASKO didn't talk about his wife at that time, and he never complained about aging. His career as an artist got off to a late start at the age of 80, but he still continues to create energetically.
In addition, the picture
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