A device that navigates the user in the correct direction by vibrating "Navigo"

Development of map applicationWith smartphones even on unfamiliar land, it was possible to go to the destination relatively easily. Still, people who get lost, people who can not get directions, even those who are not good at reading maps can get the device to navigate firmly to the destination "Navigo"is. When the device faces in the right direction, the device vibrates to show you the way to go.

Navigo | Quirky

Navigo is like a normal compass, the face is North, and the digital compass that the body vibrates when the user is facing north.

Also, it is also possible to set the destination in advance, and if you set the house as the destination, the dial directly shows the direction of the house and it will also vibrate. So, how to use it so that small children get worn so that they will not get lost.

Navigo will tell you the direction to go to the user by vibrating the front, back, left and right 4 places, so that it will not always be troublesome to always walk while watching the dial.

It is also possible to connect directly to a smartphone via Bluetooth so that the route to the destination can be shown directly.

Although it is difficult to ride a bicycle while watching a smartphone or a map, Navigo will tell you the direction by vibration, so that attention will not be distracted.

Navigo can charge and update the software with a dedicated USB cable.

The material is made of pliable plastic, it is also possible to display the clock on the dial part.

This product develops products based on user's ideaQuirkyIn the midst of commercialization at the moment, as of July 31, during the writing of the article, sales of 21 dollars (about 2000 yen) are planned.

in Hardware,   Design, Posted by logu_ii