Adopted the 4th generation JavaScript engine OdinMonkey and asm.js to make downloadable "Firefox 22" official Japanese version accelerated


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By using optimization by asm.js, execution speed of JavaScript code has improved "Firefox 22The official version of "can be downloaded now. In addition, you can change the playback rate when playing movies / sound files with HTML5, and the progress status of downloading will be displayed with Mac OS X dock application icon.

Next-generation browser Firefox Fast, secure, customizable free browser

Firefox 22 Beta Release Notes

Android browser Firefox Android version appeared in that popular browser

Firefox 22 beta version for Android release notes

◆ Desktop version download
It is automatically upgraded by automatic update function, but if you want to download Firefox 22 now, it is possible from the following.

· Windows version

· Mac OS X version

· Linux version

◆ Optimization with asm.js
How much execution speed of JavaScript code is improved by asm.js used in Firefox's fourth generation JavaScript engine "OdinMonkey" actually measures the execution speed of JavaScript codeBananaBreadThe results obtained by measuring with the following are from the following.

Here is the measurement result in Firefox 21.

This is the measurement result in Firefox 22 where the execution speed obviously becomes faster. The preload has increased from about 24.4 seconds to about 13.9 seconds and has been accelerated by 10.5 seconds, the total number of seconds of game play has also changed from about 101.3 seconds to about 42.8 seconds, which is actually 58.5 seconds faster, overwhelming.

◆ Change the playback rate when playing movies and music files with HTML5

○ New functions
· Windows: now follow the screen scaling option. This makes it possible to draw larger characters on high resolution displays.
· Mac OS X: Dock application icon now shows progress of downloading.
· The playback rate of audio and video of HTML5 can now be changed.
- The social service management function was added to the add-on manager.
· Optimization by asm.js (OdinMonkey) is now available. This improved performance.

○ Change
· Canvas is updated asynchronously, and the rendering performance of WebGL is improved.
- Word is now displayed by folding words when displaying text files.
- In order to improve security, you can no longer reference the | Components | object from web content.
· Memory usage and speed of image rendering have improved.
- The Pointer Lock API can now be used even in other than full screen display.

○ Developer
· Flexbox of CSS3 is implemented and is now available by default.
· A new Web Notifications API has been implemented.
· The clipboardData API has been added so that users can access the user's clipboard from JavaScript.
· A new font inspector has been incorporated.

·Elements and

The release notes for Firefox 22 beta version for Android are as follows.

○ New functions
· All tablet UI's now available on small tablets.

○ Change
· Canvas is updated asynchronously, and the rendering performance of WebGL is improved.
- Word is now displayed by folding words when displaying text files.

○ Developer
· Flexbox of CSS3 is implemented and is now available by default.
· A new Web Notifications API has been implemented.


The next version "Firefox 23" will be released August 6, Tuesday, 2013.

in Software, Posted by logu_ii