"Button Trackr" that can be managed and tracked with smartphone & cloud attached to items that are not easy to lose

There are times when I forget carefully where I placed small items such as the keys of the house, the remote control, the glasses, etc., and I have a hard time finding out. Attached to losing items etc., it is possible to manage with smartphone or tablet "Button TrackR"is.

Button TrackR - Find Lost Items | Indiegogo

Button TrackR - YouTube

Button TrackR has become a fairly compact device with a diameter of 25 mm and a thickness of 4 mm so that it can be attached to small accessories.

Paste paste on the back of the iPad ......

You can carry it by attaching it to a key like a key holder using the attached attachment.

When looking for something missing, a smartphone or tablet will notify you when approaching within 5 feet (1.5 m) from Button TrakR.

If Button TrakR is not nearby, an orange mark is displayed on the screen of the device.

As Button Trackr approaches, the orange mark turns green and tells us.

Also, when tapping "Sound Alarm", Button TrackR sounds like a beep and notifies you whereabouts.

There is also a function that smartphone notifies you by sound when you leave the distance specified beforehand from the item to which Button TrackR is attached.

For example, even if you leave the key that attached Button TrackR on the bench ......

It will be announced as soon as we will inform you that the smartphone forgets the key.

It remembers the GPS information at the last detection of the device on which the application is installed, so even if it gets separated by the specified distance or more, it can be found on Google Maps.

On the map, I will give you a blue circular signal and show you whereabouts.

It is also useful to be able to sound a smartphone from Button TrackR.

Press the button on the front of Button Track R ......

The smartphone rings. Even if your smartphone is set to silent mode, you will hear a sound and inform you of whereabouts.

If you do not have Button TrackR installed, there is also a function to inform the smartphone of the location of the lost item via the cloud when another Button TrackR user passed near the lost item.

Even if you have forgotten your passport with Button TrackR on the table at the cafe, another Button TrackR user catches radio waves as it passes nearby.

Then a message pops up on your smartphone announcing that your passport was found.

It displays the location of the lost item on the map so you can tell where you forgot it in one shot.

To use Button Trackr on a smartphone or tablet,Item TrackR"You need to install the application named" For devices currently compliant with Item TrackR,IPhone 4S · iPhone 5 · iPad 3 · iPad (4th generation) · iPad mini · Android Galaxy S3 · Galaxy S4 · Galaxy Note 2 and Android 4.xIt is a loaded device.

Item TrackR already,ITunesAvailable for downloading.

Button TrackR is currently seeking investment for commercialization, but it has already succeeded in gathering 12,199,99 dollars (about 13 million yen), well above the target price of 15,000 dollars (about 1.53 million yen) . You can get 5 Button TrackRs by investing 25 dollars (about 2550 yen) and investing 90 dollars (about 9180 yen). Shipping to the United States will be free of charge, but shipping to overseas depends on the number 7 to 10 (about 710 to 1020 yen) dollar shipping fee is required separately.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log