I tried making a "Happy Kitchen Hamburger" that can make realistic miniature hamburgers only with material water

It is a simple task of mixing powdery hamburger steak and potato under water with range and making realistic hamburgers of miniature size "Happy kitchen hamburgers"is. Not only looks but also the taste is like the real thing, but I actually tried to make out what kind of feeling is completed.

【Foods】 Let's make a real hamburger set! "Happy Kitchen Hamburger" New Release | News Release | Kracie

The package looks something like this.

Educational confectionery is aimed at nurturing the rich imagination of children, but on the reverse side there is a rich written description of the amount that can not be considered for children.

Ingredients such as vegetable powder, meat powder, cheese powder etc. are written as raw materials.

Calorie is 96 kcal per meal.

When I opened the box, a packed kit came out from the inside.

The contents of the kit include various powders · spoons · knives · cup · hamburger making trays.

Bags containing the kit can be cut and cut into potatoes and flags to stab a hamburger etc.

Attach the cut parts with tape to create a miniature container.

In addition, water is the only ingredient required to create a hamburger.

So I will actually make a hamburger. First, cut the tray making hamburgers with scissors.

Put the potatoes in a triangular tray. When I took powder out of the bag, the fragrance spread like potato chips spreading.

2 cups of water using a triangular cup ... ...

Mix it well with a spoon.

When the powder mixes water firmly, it spreads under the tray with a tight jackpot.

Place in a microwave oven and heat it at 600 W for 30 seconds.

Take it out of the range and cut the cold one along the line to complete the French fries.

The basic way of making other parts is the same as potato. Next, put the hamburger steam in a square tray.

Pour water and mix thoroughly.

As I continued to knead it became a little meaty feeling. Although it is a sweet, looking at his face makes it a scent of goose type spice.

Of the containers with three holes in, hamburger in the middle.

Make buns further.

I will put in 2 triangular cups of water and will also knead it.

Unlike hamburgers and potatoes, this is a finished draft. Rather than bread, it smells like a bit of water.

Put the origin of bread on both sides of the hamburger steak.

I also heat it at 600 W for 30 seconds.

Here is the completed one. The bread swelled properly and properly.

And I will make cheese this time.

Pour water ......

I firmly knead with hands.

Since there is a place to measure the size of the cheese on the bag, spread the cheese square to the blue part of the surface.

If you cut it in half then OK.

At the end I will make ketchup.

The licking ketchup is a sweet finish, but the ketchup's unique tomato flavor was also properly found.

Next, remove the bread and hamburger bag that was completed from the container.

Cut in half with a knife.

Place cut cheese and ketchup on hamburger steak and put the buns up ......


In the cup, dissolve the origin of the cola in water, and put potato in the potato cup made at the beginning to complete the hamburger set. If you spread it on a hamburger seat, you can go on a picnic like this.

Hamburger is a mini size enough to pinch your fingers.

When I try it, I also feel the juicy flavor of meat and ketchup while the sweetness of the sweets remains. It is difficult to taste firmly because it can be finished with a bite, but since it is a hamburger made with time and effort, I feel deep impression.

Coke is like this. The taste is close to "Coke taste" such as candy and gummy.

Potatoes are a little sweet, but the flavor of the potatoes junk was out.

Actually comparing the size with Cheese Burger Set is like this.

The actual diameter is about 3 times that of a Happy Kitchen hamburger.

However, luster of ketchup and sense of volume were not lost to the real thing.

The manufacturer's recommended retail price is 262 yen including tax. If you make it according to the instructions, you can make a fairly real miniature burger as packaged, and even adults can enjoy it very much, so it seems good to try making with a child on the day off.

in Tasting,   Pick Up, Posted by darkhorse_log