A movie "Leica Lenses" that you can see well how carefully Leica's lens is made with craftsmen's hands

Popular as some people make collections as antiquesLeicaHow is it actually made? So the manufacturing process is released in the movie. From the work of polishing the lens to the painting of the serial number, the assembling work, the movie that recorded the unknown manufacturing actual condition that it is done manually by a skilled craftsman is reproducible from the following.

Leica Lenses (English) on Vimeo

As many as 100 kinds of optical glass are used for Leica lens.

More than 60 quality checks are done by craftsmen.

Techniques to polish and smooth the surface of lenses have been developed by Leica.

I will continue to polish to fine parts.

The manufacturing process is over 30.

All done by hand.

Before coating the antireflective coating, wash and clean the lens.

Lens array of lenses.

All edges of lens elements are also painted black by hand.

Adhesive work of cemented lens.

By sticking glasses with different materials, we eliminate chromatic aberration.

I began finishing work gradually. While lighting it will remove dust and etc attached to the lens with brush.

A serial number is dug ... ...

It will be painted manually one by one.

A male engineer with a serious look.

When polishing with Kyukyut it clears and letters appear.

The numbers engraved on the camera will not disappear so easily as long as decades of time passes in the future.

The task of inserting the lens into the mount requires skilled skill and excellent eyes.

Check firmly that the lens will work without problems.

The lens usually consists of approximately 100 parts.

Drag the tip of a tool into a blue adhesive ......

We will install the parts carefully to maximize performance.

After the lens is assembled, the lens will be shipped after inspection and testing to see if there is any problem in function.

And, surprisingly politely, the Leica lens made by hand is handed over to the hands of the user and attracts people with beautiful pictures.

in Hardware,   Video,   Pick Up, Posted by darkhorse_log