Is there a high risk that pornographic website browsing really infects malware?

ByGerard Van der Leun

Porn sites areMalwareAlthough it is thought that it is a hotbed of, is it really high risk of infecting malware if you really access pornographic sites? British Conrad Longmore searched for 10 popular pornographic websites independently and it seems that results that are quite different from the information that is generally perceived appear.

Dynamoo's Blog: Top porn sites lead to malware

According to the results of the survey, Mr. Longmore found out that 5 out of 10 popular porn sites are 0% "Infection rate" which shows malware infection rate. In addition, 6 sites including the above 5, "Malware Contact Probability" representing the probability of contact with malware was 0%. However, pornographic sites "" and "" showed high values ​​of "Malware Contact Probability" in order of 42% and 53%, indicating that there is a high possibility of infection with malware .

Longmore is Google Chrome'sSafe browsing functionI checked porn sites "" and "" that were at high risk, and as a result, domains such as "", "", "" etc. are illegal to the site visitors It seems that it was a medium for distributing software, "106h page" of 21445 pages that Google tested in the last 90 days in "", and 1777 pages out of 14272 pages in "" It turned out that malicious software was downloaded and installed without user's consent.

ByChris Kealy

As a result of the investigation, the site owner of "" or "" is not a direct cause of malware infection, but external links such as "" "" "" are "xhamster .com "and" ". According to Mr. Longmore, the banner advertisement causing the malware infection is installed not only in the pornographic site but also in the general website. In order to prevent infection by malware, Ms. Longmore,JavaScriptYaJava AppletExecution ofPluginAllow only trusted sites to launchCross site scriptingFirefox to prevent attacksadd on"NoScriptInstalling,Antivirus softwareIt is urging people to take measures such as using such as warning attention.

In 2012SymantecAccording to a survey conducted by the company, while the porn site infected with malware was 2.4% of the total, blogs were found to be infected with nearly 20%, and this time more than that Although it has become a large number, it was a result that it can not be said that the pornographic site is not necessarily a hotbed of malware.

ByMelissa Maples

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