"Dr.Web Link Checker" which checks free of threats such as viruses and spyware on the linked page

It corresponds to IE · Firefox · Opera · Thunderbird and it judges whether the linked page is dangerous or not. Since "Dr.Web server" is responsible for checking the contents of the link destination, it is always possible to use the latest virus database and free of charge. It is quite useful service, so it may be safe to put it.

How to use in IE and Firefox is as follows.
Anti-spam measures · Antivirus = Dr.Web for Linux · FreeBSD | Check linked viruses · spyware! Dr.Web Link Checker

■ Link Checker for Microsoft Internet Explorer

This pageRight click on the link written as "link checker setting registry file (Japanese version)" and save the registry file.

Click to run

Click "Run"

Click "Yes"

Click "OK"

Then just right click on the character string you want to check the link destination and select "Exam with Dr.Web"

Safe, maybe safe

When such a display appears, it is dangerous

However, if people concentrate too much like this. It will be displayed soon after re-challenging.

■ Link Checker for Firefox

It is distributed on the following page.

Dr.Web anti-virus link checker :: Firefox Add-ons

Click to install

Click "Install Now"

Click "Restart Firefox"

Just right-click on the link you want to check and choose "Check with Dr.Web"

Waiting for results, the rest is the same as IE

■ Link Checker for Thunderbird

You can install Thunderbird from the following page in the same way as Firefox.

Dr.Web anti-virus link checker :: Thunderbird Add-ons

■ Link Checker for Opera

Detailed method is posted on the following page.

Anti-spam measures · Antivirus = Dr.Web for Linux · FreeBSD | Support - Link checker for Opera

in Review,   Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse