The latest version of "The Secret Society Hawk's Claw" Theatrical Version "Hawk's Nails GO ~ Yoshida, I'm Stopping Secret Society ~" Final Autumn Release Decided

It is active not only in TV animation but in various directions "Secret society Hawk's clawAlthough it is the fifth work of the theater version, it became clear that in the fall of 2013 it will be a road show scheduled to be "the hawk's nail GO ~ Yoshida, secret society stopping ~".

Secret society Hawk's claw The latest version "The Talent Nails GO" autumn road show - YouTube

"Come, come at last, come on ... let's get away soon!" Yoshida-kun's voice impending

The president rushed to the situation of Yoshida-kun, which is different from usual.

Yoshida-kun gave her a remark that "I am indebted to you until now".

"Actually ...... Hawk's nail's latest film is announced this autumn release" was announced.

From April 20 (Saturday), a specials video will be flowing at TOHO Cinemas throughout the country.

Also, at the cinema's new flyer corner, distribution of "Yoshida-kun's face type leaflet" started.

Because this leaflet will be a face, take a picture of the place you took a picture by all means and attach a hash tag saying "I tried playing with a flyer on the hawk's nail GO launch announcement memorial" and said that she wanted to be tweeted on Twitter about.

秘密結社鷹の爪が映画になるのは、2007年の「秘密結社 鷹の爪 THE MOVIE~総統は二度死ぬ~」、2008年の「秘密結社 鷹の爪 THE MOVIE II~私を愛した黒烏龍茶~」、2010年の「秘密結社 鷹の爪 THE MOVIE 3~http://鷹の爪.jpは永遠に~」と「秘密結社鷹の爪 THE MOVIE4 カスペルスキーを持つ男」に続いて5度目。ちなみに、「THE MOVIE 4」は映画と名乗っていますが、「4は縁起が悪い」ということで映画3作目のDVDにOVAとして収録されたもので、映画館で上映されたのは発売日のTOHOシネマズ六本木での特別上映1度のみ。

In the past movies, we recruited sponsors openly, and in the title of the second movie "Black oolong teaAlthough it was entering, and the product for promotional purposes appeared blatantly in the work, it is worrisome what kind of efforts are done in this work.

Subheading of the work "Yoshida, I will stop secret societyThe original story is "Kirishima, I do not want club activitiesAlthough it seems to be, it is unknown whether the contents of the movie are similar. Is Yoshida-kun like a farewell to the president in the above movie, is it a hint to the main story?

Hawk's claw .jp

in Video,   Movie,   Anime, Posted by logc_nt