"WebHostingHub Glyphs" that you can download over 1000 icon fonts for free

Icon fonts divided into 14 categories such as "Business" "Communication" "Computer & Mobile" "Design & Writing" can be downloaded free of charge for over 1000 "WebHostingHub Glyphs". Icons can be used as web fonts as well as PNG and TFF formats.

WebHostingHub Glyphs

Download is done from the right blue and orange button. From the blue "DOWNLOAD ALL ICONS IN ONE FONT", you can download TTF format and icon fonts for the web, PNG icon can be downloaded from the orange button.

Icon fonts are divided into 14 categories such as "business" and "communication". Below is the icon of the business category.


Computer & Mobile

Design & Writing

Development (development)







Sports & Games


Time and place

You can also download only the icons of the category you selected from "Categories".

When using it as TTF format or web font, it is also possible to change the color and size, so you can change the size and color on the website and display the sample with the shadow added.

Changing the color and size of the icon font looks like this.

How to use web fonts is described in "HOW TO USE".

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log