"Paperkit" that you can make your preferred format, size, color chart paper for free

ByCrafty Goat

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It is possible to create three kinds of your favorite grid paper, dot grid paper, and pruning while freely adjusting the size of the paper, the size of the grid, the thickness and color of the line, etc.Paperkit"is.

Paperkit - printable graph paper template

Paperkit has three kinds of grid paper, dot grid paper, and pruning. First, I will make it from a paper sheet.

Details are adjustable from the menu next to the grid paper, and changes are reflected on the horizontal grid paper each time.

There are 4 types of formats, A4 and A3, legal size, letter size, you can choose whatever you like.

The following is the default setting A4 paper.

When it comes to A3 paper, it is displayed quite wide.

The thickness of the squares etc. are displayed in two kinds, centimeters and inches.

The minimum size of the squares is 1 mm.

The maximum size is 40 mm.

The minimum thickness of the outer frame is 5 mm.

On the other hand, the maximum is 20 mm.

Thin type of line is "Thin", "Medium", "Thick". Below is Thin.

To Thick, it was pretty solid impression.

You can also select the color, you can also adjust the saturation.

Click "Download PDF" to start downloading the PDF file.

The things actually downloaded are as follows.

It is also possible to create dot grid paper while adjusting in the same way.

The sharpness also became a colorful finish.

When you say "I want to write a letter suddenly, but there is no just good paper", it is convenient to make a little stylish paper quickly.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log