People downloading music with file sharing software decreased 17% year-on-year

ByDaniele Zedda

World music sales in 2012 have exceeded the previous year for the first time in 13 years since 1999IFPIAs you can see from the survey,NPD(A market research firm in the United States), people downloading music files using file sharing software in the United States seems to have decreased by 17% compared with the previous year.

The NPD Group: Music File Sharing Declined Significantly in 2012 -

P2PPeak of file sharing by service is in 2005, one out of five Internet users over the age of 13 is thought to have used file sharing by P2P to download music, but in 2012 it is 1 It was a result that it decreased to people. In addition, music files illegally downloaded using P2P are reduced by 26% compared to 2012, CD burning by families and friends is reduced by 44%, file exchanges from hard drives are reduced by 25%, music files downloaded from digital lockers Music download of 28% decreased, not only P2P, but music file sharing itself seems to be decreasing.

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According to the report in 2012, 40% of users who illegally downloaded music files from P2P in 2011 said that they stopped downloading files from P2P or "Download opportunities are decreasing", the main cause of which is It was that legal music free delivery service was started. And half of those who actually stopped using P2P or decreased this timeSpotifyYaRdio,PandoraThe name of the music streaming delivery service such as saying.


Russ Crupnick, vice president of NPD, said: "For the music industry, for the last decade it was a fight against illegal downloads, last year it was a year of development, and legitimate music distribution service among the many factors It turned out to be a new option for music fans who used P2P. "

The survey covered 5,400 people,Download via Bit TorrentIt is that it examined about the pirated version that I did.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log