Those who taught in public education than to crack down the pirated version by law are increasing sales of iTunes
In France, in order to prevent copyright infringement due to illegal pirated downloads, it is necessary to monitor those who are infringing copyrights, stop watching the Internet three times in stages, then apply a fine "Three strikes method"Is being carried out. As a result of studying this law, it became clear that sales of iTunes increased due to the weak effect of crackdown by penal regulations and teaching pirate firm firmly in public education.
Graduated Response Policy and the Behavior of Digital Pirates: Evidence from the French Three-Strike (Hadopi) Law by Michael A. Arnold, Eric Darmon, Sylvain Dejean, Thierry Pénard :: SSRN

University of DelawareMichael Arnold,University of RennesEric Darmon and Thierry Penard,University of La RochelleSylvain Dejean conducted collaborative research on how much the three-strike method exerted its effect as a deterrent to pirated illegal downloads. According to the survey, there were 2.4 million people who received the first warning by 2010 after the Three Strikes Act was enacted in France in 2009, and 250 thousand people who received the second warning, already 3 It was said that fewer than 1,000 people received the warning of the story.
The survey target was 2000 French net users, of which 1/3 (37.6%) or more had experienced illegal downloading, 22% were using P2P network, 30% were " Alternate channel (,NewshostingAnswer using "). It turned out that individuals were not the trigger for retaliation of copyright infringement and did not lead to a decrease in illegal behavior.

However, researchers said that sales of French iTunes store increased before the implementation of the law, researchers said, "It is not the effect of the Three Strike Act, but a school that is established and operated by a country or school corporation, Break downPublic educationIt is suggested by research efforts and research results. "
In the Three Strike Act, we mainly monitored the P2P network, but many of the respondents believe that the actual monitoring is done more extensively, and, unlike the P2P network, it was not monitored There was no change in behavior that altered illegal downloading act regardless of whether there was monitoring, including users of sites that can download files directly, file sharing and pirated downloads.

The Three Strikes Act implemented by the Hadopi administration is not a deterrent to pirated illegal downloads and the government has decided to cancel the penalty of "break of the net" that will be imposed with a third warning and related to this law The budget that was used has also been cut.
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