I tried to compare how big is the maracas like "Mini Mega Chupa Chap"
It has a gigantic appearance that the total length is 27 cm, the diameter of the head part is about 10 cmMini megachupachusu"Was released on February 26th. I was wondering "How long is mega?", So I tried to actually buy it and compare its size with normal Chupa Chaps.
For White Day, Chupa Chaps! Pop "Chupa Chapse Flower Bouquet" and "Mini Mega Chupa Chups" New Release!(PDF)
Mini mega chupa chaps were placed on the upper side. It is about 27 cm in length, about 3 times longer than normal Chupa chaps.
The head part is a huge size of about 10 cm in diameter, about 4 times normal.
Vertical length is about the same as iPhone 5.
Normal version is as big as you can have with your fingertips.
On the other hand, it seems that this is "Maracas ......?"
The weight of the regular version is 13 g.
And mini mega chap chips is 208 g, weighing more than 15 times.
Where the giantness of the mini mega chaps is known firmly, we peel off the packaging paper fixed tightly with tape.
The contents were like this.
The top of the stick was not a giant candy, but a red capsule. It seems that the maracas feeling has increased even more than somehow ... ....
When opening the capsule, inside the figure is the figure of Chupa Chaps.
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There were ten chupa chaps in all in the capsule.
When opening the wrapping paper, the contents are usual chupa chaps.
Although it is a size that makes me cramy for a moment when handed over, contents are intact as Chupa Chaps as it is, so it will be interesting to have impact as a little gift.
The price is 840 yen including tax.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log