A map that shows the location of the meteorites that have fallen so far on the earth "meteoritessize"
A meteorite falls in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk, RussiaIt happened that more than 1,000 people were injured. That meteorite seems to have been the largest meteorite in the past 100 years according to NASA, but the fact that a meteorite falls is not uncommon in itself, and even in 2006A meteorite called "recordable size" hits NorwayOr,A meteorite falls to the same house six timesThat is also occurring.
Javier de la Torre, CEO of Biodiversity Informatics, which is doing visualization of maps and dataCartoDBWe made a map that shows where the meteorites fell on the earth in the past, using our own service of saying.
Twitter / jatorre: Today I am having fun redoing peoples maps on @cartodb Here is a map of all meteorites fall on earth
Today I am having fun redoing peoples maps on @CartodbHere is a map of all meteorites fall on earthCdb.io/12 RQQbKCc / @Smfrogers
- Javier de la Torre (@ jatorre)February 15, 2013
Here is the map.
Meteoritessize | CartoDB
The whole is like this.
North and South America. There are few falls to Canada, and seems to be falling a lot in the United States. By the way, the larger the size of the circle, the bigger the falling meteorite is, the bigger it is.
This is around Europe, Africa, Asia. Several huge meteorites have fallen to the south of Africa, and even if the Russian northern coast falls, nobody notices it, there is not much trace of falling. In addition, the meteorite that fell to Chelyabinsk the other day is not registered because the size etc. have not been grasped in detail yet.
Looking at Japan like this
Click each circle to see detailed data. The biggest in Japan was found in Tagamiyama in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture in 1885Tanike Meteorite.
These data were entered by Torre, and when switching from "Map View" display to "Table" display, you can see the contents of the input data. However, because it was not done all by hand, "It was about 5 minutes work".
By the way, since CartoDB uses HTML5, it can not be seen in browsers such as IE9 or earlier.
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