US Food and Drug Administration approves artificial retina device "Argus II" that supports vision of persons who have extremely diminished vision and blindness

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Artificial retina device "Argus II" developed by second site company of medical equipment manufacturer received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States on February 14th. Although it was already available in Europe, due to the approval this time, it is said that there are about 100,000 in the United StatesRetinitis pigmentosaIn patients, there is the possibility that people who are blind can help them.

Second Sight

Second Sight Announces FDA Approval

World's First Bionic Eye Receives FDA Approval | Popular Science

The structure of Argus II is like this.

Second Sight EN 2012 Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System Artificial Retina Bionic Eye - YouTube

First of all, the image is input from the camera attached to the sunglasses part and sent to the wireless transfer unit on the side of the sunglass via the waist device.

This is received by a receiver that is embedded in the eyeball.

The video signal is sent to the artificial retina.

Information sent through the artificial retina is transmitted to the brain, so that the information that "it looks like" is transmitted.

In this way, it supports the vision of people who are blind or whose eyesight is extremely low.

I am interviewing Barbara Campbell at the New York Times. Campbell has lived a life without light for a long time since blindness twenty years ago, but thanks to Argus II, he regained vision. It is said that it was caught as a pattern of light instead of "looking" like before blindness, but it is said to be a big progress.

The F. D. A. Approves a Bionic Eye: Argus II Device Helps the Blind - YouTube

This is the real thing of Argus II.

Campbell receives interviews.

If the performance of the device further improves, it seems that the artificial retina system and the person who wears "Bionic Eye" are more likely to see sight.

in Science,   Video, Posted by logc_nt