Even with this detailed detail, the body of the "Garamon" that caterpillar summergrass grew from the body

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 03:52 Feb 11, 2013, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Have a career of 15 years as a professional prototype teacherOyama dragonIs participating in One Fest for the first time in the previous 2012 [summer]. If thereWonder ShowcaseIt is stated in the official catalog that if you do not hear a voice from the one festival 2013 [winter] that you were planning to recommend yourself after the end, it is said that the only full level at this level appears that this "Garamon "is.

"When you join a dealer on one festival, you need the act of" selling ", but I'm not interested in selling it, perhaps I will go to a strange direction as I start thinking at first, so far It was a distance from the one festival, but it seems that after a while I have to change the environment soon, I have to get to the point where I can change myself ... ... It is only saying that the high degree of perfection As expected.

This "Garamon" is a new work that downsized while updating the same work that I shaped it five years ago.

Originally "Garamon" is a design with many protrusions on the surface, so there is no unnaturalness in Cordyceps sinensis grown from everywhere in the body.

When you look up, you can see that every detail is carefully made.

It seems that Cordyceps sinensis slowly erodes the body of Garamon from the feet.

In addition, the special price of the One Fest site is 19,000 yen (including tax) each, and the general retail price after one festival is 22,000 yen (tax included) each.

in Coverage,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log