Giant grocery items that I felt I understood why Americans are getting fat

Speaking of America, "deca", not only people, cars, homes, towns, but also food items. Ultimate capitalist competition has reached a way to increase profits by increasing the amount even if lowering the price to the limit. The lifestyle thus completed makes obesity and plagues American citizens. The poor the poorer, the negative chain that weights over priority to quantity rather than quality. I heard that "self-management is important", but can you say the same before a tremendous attack by massive foods?

Hello,Takuya Sudo @ circle around the world bicycle @ Charridermanis. It took three and a half months since my first trip to the Americas from Canada. I'm getting used to this big feeling, but the foods I introduce from the sense of Japan is strange, is not it?

The first thing I want to write is the unique unit in the United States
· 1 oz (oz) = 28.34 g
· 1 pound (lb) = 453.59 g
One fluid ounce (fl oz) = 29.57 ml
· One quart (qt) = 946.35 ml, one quarter of a gallon
· 1 gallon (gallon) = 3785 ml
It is based on. Some photos compare the sizes with business cards for easy understanding.

Then, first from breakfast.

This bread is 1 lb 8 oz (681 g), this shape is narrow not only in the United States but also in Australia and South Africa. On the contrary I have never seen Japanese style bread.

Sliced ​​cheese 16 sheets 10 2/3 oz (302 g), Snow brand slice cheese which is often seen in Japan is 144 g with 8 sheets.

Margarine 2.8 lb (1280 g), an image of Canada, but because it is an American brand, it is introduced. I wonder how much I'll feel if I apply it.

Cereal (1350 grams, 1240 grams), also in Canada, because it is also in gram notation. Kellogg's cornflakes that are also in Japan.

Sliced ​​ham 9 oz (255.2 g), although there were sizes smaller than this, it was here that it was profitable. About 2 dollars (about 180 yen) at bargain sale.

As yogurt 2 lb (907 g), yoghurt is sold in Mexico even in 1 kg container, is this the standard in North America?

Milk 1 gallon (3785 ml), about 4 times that of Japan's 1000 ml milk carton.

Coffee 48 oz, (1380 g), the inside of this container which is not visible in food items was drip type coffee.

Cup coffee 24 oz (680 ml), coffee of the biggest size which can take out at convenience store "Circle K".

Then vegetables.

Tomato 0.57 lb (258 g), this size seems to be also in Japan.

Onion 096 lb (435 g), is not it big?

Pumpkin, huge vegetables like America. It was a time of Halloween, so it was piled up at the shop front.

Speaking of America, meat.

Bacon, I am surprised that it is not sliced, as much as I can make a soap when I bake it ... ....

Sausage 1 lb (454 g), you can cut it as much as you need.

Ham steak 1.05 lb (476 g), one piece that seems really American.

Beef 1.02 lb (462 g), this size was 4.07 dollars, 1 dollar was 85 yen, so it is about 345 yen in Japanese yen. It was satisfied.

Junk Food.

Potato chips 10 oz (285 g), this potato chip is displayed in the supermarket so it is very powerful.

Kit cut 3 oz (85 g), which is the same size as Japan, but then "KING SIZE" for Americans who are unsatisfactory

Snickers 3.29 oz (93 g), Snickers's "KING SIZE", it became 2 pieces.

Ice cream 1.5 qt (1420 ml), packed ice cream, this size is a little big. There is also ice cream like a big bucket.

Soft cream. McDonald'sArticle on "Dollar Menu"However, although this was introduced, this overflowing way is something strange.

Hamburger. From the moment I came out I had an aura and I felt uncomfortable. It is convinced that you got it "Great!"

Wapper. It seems that Burger King's main hamburger, also sold in Japan, is this size?

The destructive power of drinks is terrible.

Drinking water 1 gallon (3785 ml), which is the same size as 1500 ml Japan, but it is better to buy it in gallons because it is available for about 1 dollar.

Carbonated beverage 44 oz (1247 ml), also sold at Circle K at 79 cents. Even small sizes do not change the price, so they tend to extend their hands to a big cup.

Sweet tea 23fl oz (680ml), tea is healthy, so is this size fine?

Sweet Tea 1.05 qt (1000 ml), 1 liter against the other.

Sweet tea 42fl oz (1240ml), upward compatible with 23fl oz, Arizona brand sweet tea was always there anywhere like Coca-Cola.

Power aid 1 qt (946 ml), sports drink developed by Coca-Cola Company is also this word.

Monster Energy 24 fl oz (710 ml),Energy Drink ArticlesBut I wrote, Energy Drink in America is a monster size.

Budweiser 24fl oz (710ml), this would be American beer. There are usual cans similar to Japan, but this size also attracts eyes.

Not only groceries are big.

Interstate · Highway (Interstate Highway) connecting major US cities

A so-called American car. It is being troubled by TPP, but such a big one can not run in Japan.

Even the neighbor 's house is far away in the countryside of the United States, children who can not drive cars are large buses.

Camping bus to travel around America. The towing passenger car is used at the residence.

A prefab hut on a heavy truck ran on the road.

Where to go shopping with a big American car, this is also a big supermarket "Wal-Mart"

I enjoy shopping while filling up such a big shopping cart like this. Even a small basket can not be found.

Of course, the house should be big, but still it was missing or I saw the rental warehouse often. I do not quite understand what Americans think.

I introduced a lot of grown foods, but this is also "America in the range that I can go by bike", is not it? America'sCostcoYaSam's ClubThere is a feeling that there are more amazing things in warehouse-type super-large stores like ... ....

(Sentence / photo: Takuya S. Narou Charriderman
Cycling around the world for a bicycle

in Coverage,   Food, Posted by logc_nt