15 strange beaches in the world that you will see twice

The strangest beaches in the world you'll want to visit before you die 15 [TripAdvisor Bucket List]
◆ 01. Maho beach
Floating in the Caribbean, Maho Beach on St. Martin is between the airport and the ocean, with planes passing overhead.

You can see how it actually feels by watching the following movie.
[HD] Amazing Landing part2 Incredible Landing Maho Beach Saint Martin --YouTube
CRAZY Low Landing at St Maarten Princess Juliana Int'l! DHL C208 Caravan --YouTube
The landing is amazing, but the takeoff is also amazing.
Girl blown by a plane --YouTube
Girls Blown on the Beach in St. Maarten! --YouTube
◆ 02. Shell beach
Shell Beach in Shark Bay , Australia, which is also a World Heritage Site.
Small petal-like shells cover the approximately 110-kilometer-long beach.

I tried to be buried.

By oemebamo
◆ 03. Glass beach
Glass Beach in California is a former garbage dump, and the colorful glass is the result of waves that were thrown away decades ago.
By the way, glass beaches can be found not only in California but also in Hawaii.

◆ 04. Pink sand beach
The slightly pink sand beach in the Bahamas is a mixture of finely crushed conch shells (pink shells) and coral.

◆ 05. Purnau Black Sand Coast
The black sand beach is the Purnau black sand beach on the Big Island of Hawaii, which is also famous as a beach where sea turtles come.

The lava that flowed out was suddenly cooled by seawater.
Sea turtle during a break.

◆ 06. Green sand beach
This is also a green sand beach on the Big Island of Hawaii.

It is said that the eruption of a volcano that occurred long ago caused the crystals of olivine (peridot gemstone) to become green because they were mixed with the sand.

◆ 07. Hyams Beach
Hyams Beach on the east coast of Australia is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as 'the whitest beach in the world'.

Pure white sand is singing sand that makes a squeaking noise when you walk.

◆ 08. Tulum beach
Tulum Beach on the Yucatan Peninsula is home to ancient Mayan ruins.

You can enjoy a mysterious combination of bikini and ancient ruins.

◆ 09. Cox's Bazar
The Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh is said to be the longest beach in the world with a total length of 120 km.

By The Wandering Angel
Umbrellas are lined up.

By the way, Kujukuri Beach in Japan is 60 kilometers long, so it is about twice as long.

◆ 10. Boulders beach
Boulders Beach in South Africa is home to many African penguins, and you can swim with them on the adjacent beach.

Many penguins land on the beach.

By GOC53

Tech tech and penguins walk along the sandy beach with the children.
Penguin at Boulders Beach, South Africa --YouTube
Below is a picture of a little girl and a penguin entering the sea together.
Boulders Beach penguins --African Penguins --BBC wildlife --YouTube
◆ 11. Children's Pool Beach
Wild harbor seals on Children's Pool Beach in San Diego. This beach is exclusively for seals and no one can swim.

Seals lying down with Goron.


You can also see it from above.
◆ 12. Chirihama Nagisa Driveway
The Chirihama Nagisa Driveway , which faces the west coast of the Noto Peninsula and is about 8km long, is the only sandy beach in Japan where ordinary cars can run. Large buses also pass.

Bikes too.

You can also watch the sunset from inside the car.

◆ 13. Hot water beach
At New Zealand's Hot Water Beach , geothermally heated hot springs deep underground spring up onto the sandy beaches.

At low tide, people with shovels gather to dig up the beach.

The mini hot spring has been completed.

Seen from above, it looks like this.

Even two people can enter.

◆ 14. Moelki Boulder
Located in southeastern New Zealand, Moerki Boulder has rocks rolling around on the beach. This is a product in which ore adheres to stones and bone fragments, and crystallized by chemical action grows over 60 million years.




Some are broken.

The big one is close to 3 tons.

◆ 15. Goody Juli
In Goodi Juli, Spain, the sea appears in the middle of the grasslands about 100 meters away from the coast.
supercoco__This is a mechanism in which a narrow cave is dug by the waves and seawater is drawn in.

Even though it is in the middle of the meadow, the sight is the beach itself.

By darkest_
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