6 places to divide the world that can not go without courage

Even though it is safe to some extent with water, there is considerable courage to jump in from high places. However, there seems to be some people who have been possessed by the pleasure of jumping in the world, and there seems to be diving towards cliffs and waterfalls with little security guarantee.

The dive spot of the world that these people use is also introduced with the movie.

Details are as below.
ProTraveller >> 7 Most Extreme Cliff Diving Spots On Earth

· Red Rock Spark in South Burlington, USA

A dangerous spot where the water must climb the rock to jump in coldly. People who got in from their backs sometimes suffered injuries requiring treatment for six months.

It is a tremendous cliff
YouTube - Extreme Cliff Jumping @ Red Rock

· Ponte bola in Switzerland

A tourist is also a famous spot in Switzerland who comes to diving. The European diving championship was held here. However, accidents often occur in rocks and cold water, and it seems that it is also a dangerous spot.

Dark colored water invites fear.
YouTube - Cliff Diving - Ponte Brolla

· Wolfgang Lake in Austria

Red Bull's diving contest was also held. A jumping platform was installed at a height of 30 meters or more for the contest.

Diving movie from attached dive
YouTube - Red Bull Cliff Diving Wolfgangsee 2008

· Tar Creek waterfall in California

A waterfall spot with a height of about 20 meters. Cliff unevenness is intense, it seems that there is a possibility of hitting the body to the rock if you do not jump into care.

The place to landing is quite narrow
YouTube - Extreme Double Cliff Jump

· Angola Lake in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

A dangerous spot that there are many people who could not go home unhurt. People seem to be safe at first, so it seems there are some people who gets out of hand.

A woman is also jumping in from a low place.
YouTube - Angora Lake 70 foot extreme cliff jumps

· La Québreda, Mexico

It seems to jump in the state of unstable wind and water level at the diving show of Acapulco sightseeing specialty. Because of its powerPro wrestling skill nameIt is also becoming.

Diving while twisting body repeatedly
YouTube - Acapulco Cliff Diving 2006

Diving is done at night as well
YouTube - Jumping from la quebrada cliff Acapulco Mexico

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log