Game "WiiPop" which can be scored by freestyle dance with Wii Remote and Kinect

With the advent of the Wii remote control and Kinect, a lot of games playing with the body have been released, but it was a point whether they can be truly traced the fixed movements properly. However, by using both the Wii Remote and the Kinect, "WiiPop" can read out what kind of dance it is in motion, detect it as a point, regardless of whether it is a freestyle dance or not I will.

Christian "Mio" Loclair Media :: Dance :: Interface

It explains everything in the following movie about how it actually works.

WiiPop DANCING VIDEO GAME Technolgy - YouTube

Here is the developer, Chistian Loclair.

He thought that freestyle dance will be converted into games.

In KinectDance EvolutionThere are games that compete as to whether you can dance a certain dance, but it is made with the idea of ​​whether you can compete with what you danced freely in the game.

For example, a game that aims for a high score with a dance technique if it is single play.

A game like competing for mutual dance if it is multiplayer.

After play it is the result that you can see the result which was bad about where you were good at your dance.

For that purpose, Kinect and the Wii remote control are used.

Movement when dancing with Kinect confirmed multifaceted.

I am watching that I am dancing like this.

On the Wii remote control, it seems to measure the rhythm to see if it is dancing to the music.

The controller setup is like this.

That means that you can read your movement firmly.

When this WiiPop is released, it is planned to announce it in open source, perhaps revolutionary dance games will come out. The timing is undecided yet.

in Video,   Game, Posted by logc_nt