"Nicter" to visualize darknet traffic and display it in real time
Although packets should be sent to unused IP (dark net) on the Internet, packets may arrive due to malware infection activity or some unauthorized activity of the net. By observing this, it is possible to grasp the tendency of fraudulent activity, so the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) has opened a site for publishing observation information.
Press release | Observation information of cyber attacks is released on the web! | NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
The site has become able to see the result of visualizing dark traffic in various forms. this is"Cube"From which port you can tell which port the cyber attack is coming on.
This is"AtlasYou can tell at a glance which country's attacks are more.
"Stats"Statistical results are displayed. This information can be viewed for up to one week.
In terms of the number of hosts by country on March 31, China is 38% by far the best. Followed by Russia, the United States, Ukraine, Brazil, Korea.
TCP and UDP destination port ranking also exists, so it may be better to check those who care about security.
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in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt