Dice that gives me a chance to change my life "DiceForChange"

I am busy killed in my daily life or I repeat my daily life and customs, but I think that I want to breach those days of inertia somehow, but I do not know if I start doing what I do ... I will help a stray lamb called ... This dice gives me a chanceDiceForChangeIt is a series.


There are three types of "Eco", "Kindness" and "Wellness".

First of all, from "Eco (Eco)".

EcoDice »For your daily Eco action!

From the top, "Let's separate waste today" "Let's unplug the power cord today and let it stand by." "Let's go out by turning off the lights of all the rooms today." "Today I will go to work and go to school Let's walk or ride a bicycle. "" Let's take a shower together "" I will take my shopping bag today. "

Next is "Kindness".

KindnessDice »For your daily random act of Kindness!

From top to bottom "Let's praise someone today" "Let's smile someone today" "Let's help someone today" "Let's give presents to someone today" "Today someone Let's say I love you. "" Let's hug someone today. "

The end is "Wellness".

WellnessDice »For your daily dose of Wellness!

From top to bottom "Let's use the stairs today" "Let's have a healthy meal today" "Let's laugh a lot today" "Let's treat myself today" "Let's slow down today" "Today Let's think positive. "

Three types of prices together12 euros (about 1200 yen)Available for purchase.

Also, application versions for iPhone / iPad / iPod touch are also sold for $ 0.99 each.

App Store - EcoDice

App Store - KindnessDice

App Store - WellnessDice

in Hardware,   Design, Posted by darkhorse