"Tube Fire" complaint filed by 31 record companies free download from YouTube, as copyright infringement

Thirty record companies filed suit against copyright infringement "TubeFire" which can download free YouTube videos.

Movie download support site "TUBEFIRE"
Litigation seeking an injunction against infringement acts against a management company | The Recording Industry Association of Japan | Press Release

Records 31 companies complain to free download site: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

According to the press release of the Japan Recording Industry Association and the Yomiuri Shimbun news, it is said that the copyright was infringed on the website "TubeFire" that enables free download of videos and music data posted on YouTube, 31 companies in the company and other companies operate the site "Music Gate" to stop the service and appealed for damages of about 230 million yen in damages to the Tokyo District Court.

This is "Tube Fire".

Sites that can convert YouTube to iPod / iPhone (MP4) - Tube Fire

Usage method published on the page. It is a service that you can convert just by selecting the YouTube video URL and the format you want to convert.

Since the music gates company opened "Tube Fire" in 2007, the appeal raised this time is to obtain the permission of the right holder of the file such as the animation that the members of the Japan Recording Industry Association have the right to the server managed by the company It is a thing that infringed on the public transmission right (transmission enabling right) and the copying right by being copied without being copied, and it was in a state that it can be saved and ready for transmission.

Also, at the time of filing a lawsuit, each record company has about 2.2 million monthly users of "Tube Fire", and there is no sound source and video of about 10,000 files of a specific artist who owns rights to the server managed by music gate We confirmed that it was copied by permission and said that the amount of damages of about 230 million yen in total was calculated assuming that these files were in a downloadable state at least during the investigation period.

In addition, the Japan Record Association announced in early August "Video site is negative impact, music illegal downloading annually 1.2 billion files"The association and member record company are striving to actively work on the sound development of the music distribution market and eradicate illegal activities in the future.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log