"2011 Tokushima Awa dance poster" is full of sky boundaries, Fate, shells of shellfolds etc.

In 2009Both rituals of "sky boundary" and Mikiya Kurogi's poster, In 2010Poster of "Touhou Project" and "Sky Boundary"And here, recently, in addition to the regular version of Awaodori 's poster, an animated character poster created by the Euphor table has appeared, but a more luxurious poster will appear this year.

2011 Tokushima Awa Odori Charity Poster

On this year's posterGusset ★ AsobiParticipating companies cooperate. Besides the two rituals of "the boundary of the sky" that will appear for the third consecutive year (picture: Yutaka Sudo), Saber of "Fate / Zero" (picture: Takashi Takeuchi), Black ★ Rockshooter of Black Rock Shooter : Huke), Kusanagi element of "Ghost in the Shell" (Gallery: Satoru Nakamura) and so on. As I look closely, there are Vash of "TRIGUN" and it is a poster I want to see with as large a size as possible.

In addition, this sale is a charity sale after receiving the Great East Japan Earthquake, the selling price will be set to "1000 yen ~". For example, even if you buy it for 1000 yen, you can buy it for 3000 yen or you can buy it for 10,000 yen so that all parts over 500 yen will be donated as donation money.

Purchase place is ufotable cafe (Tokyo, Tokushima), ufotable dining, Good Smile Cafe, nationwide animate store (Sales at 1000 yen for animate). A special "salesperson" system is also set up. This is to accept people selling in the form of "I want to sell in a group" or "I want to sell in classes and schools", which means that posters will arrive for sale if they inform the selling price and the number of sheets (10 or more).

Notification of the sale start date has not been done yet, but if you want to become a salesperson please look at the official website and apply in the prescribed way.

in Anime, Posted by logc_nt