What is the popularity of this summer launch smartphone "Xperia acro" "GALAXY S II"?
Reviews and information on household appliances"Price .com"Released data on the access situation of "Sony Ericsson's" Xperia acro "and Samsung's" GALAXY S II "which are the two big smart phones released this summer and user reviews after the release.
First of all"Xperia acro IS 11 S"Access data transition of. The au version of Xperia acro IS 11 S was said to be the first Xperia in au, and it was said that the popularity of au users was pretty popular before the launch, and around the release date, about 130,000 PV It is said that it marked a considerably high value as a model of au.
The table below shows the user review status of "Xperia acro IS11S". Satisfaction level is 4.53, 0.29 points higher than category average 4.24, 16th overall in the satisfaction ranking, 3rd place in the individual elements, 2nd character conversion, 2nd screen display, 3rd speech sound quality, ringing tone / music It seems that it was able to answer high expectation from au users, showing overall high level as 4th place.
It corresponds to the docomo version of Xperia acro"Xperia acro SO-02C"Access data here. Since the release date is July 9, it has not yet been released at this point of compilation, and the maximum number of accesses per day is about 120 thousand PV. According to the price .com trend search, the prospect that it will reach 300 thousand PV a day on the release date is indicated.
It is another Android smartphone"GALAXY S II SC-02C"Trends in the number of accesses are here. At the stage of July 1 when this data was acquired, the popularity of DoCoMo's smartphone is the No. 1 popularity, and around June 23, which is the release date, 250,000 He said he showed the popularity to say that it would reach PV.
User review of "GALAXY S II SC - 02C". As for the speed of the processing speed which is said to be the maximum attraction of the GALAXY S II SC - 02C, it is high as 4.80 points, but it seems that it is a bit bad for the 22nd overall in the satisfaction ranking and Xperia acro IS11S . The GALAXY S II SC - 02C has many power users, and it seems that the impact is likely to be somewhat hurting.
This is the number of accesses at the time of release of the first "GALAXY S SC-02B". This time's GALAXY S II SC-02C is the second model following "GALAXY S SC-02B" released last October, but the number of accesses also exceeds "SC-02B" of last year , It seems that it can be said that it has become the existence exceeding the first generation in topicality.
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in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log