Inside of Will Smith's super luxury residential trailer "The Heat"

Brought in for use as a waiting room for filming "Men In Black 3"Will SmithResidential trailer"The Heat"ofTalking about the bad odor of exhaust heat and gasIt seems that the interior that it was interesting was released. - Will Smith's Mobile Home (12 pics)

This is the residential trailer "The Heat" by Will Smith. It is a super gigantic trailer called a 22-wheeled car with a total length of about 16 m and a weight of about 30 tons.

The Heat is suddenly in New York for shooting "Men In Black 3"Soho areaAppears in. From the surrounding residents, it seems that complaints about suddenly such a huge trailer appeared in town, and that it is spreading a lot of heat and exhaust gas.

Will Smith leaving The Heat. Incidentally, Will seems to borrow an apartment of 25,000 dollars a month (about 2 million yen) in the same district besides this trailer.

The interior is two stories high.

A 100-inch movie screen is installed.

There is also a kitchen with a huge refrigerator.

It's quite luxurious as a house, but it's inside the trailer.

There is also a bar. The trailer said that 30 staffs have enough space to hold meetings and that they are Will Smith's mobile office.

Regarding the reason why a trailer is necessary, it seems there was circumstance that Will himself was difficult to use the elevator together with the general public. By the way, The Heat's rent is 9000 dollars a week (about 730,000 yen), Wil Smith seems to have a trailer with a built-in full-size gym.

in Vehicle,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log