Kamen Rider OO's Transformation Belt - Oz Driver Reproduces "Combo Change! Kamen Rider Ooo"
"Kamen Rider Oze"Is a special-effects drama program that has been broadcast since September 2010. Like the Kamen Rider series, the hero transforms into a mask rider with a transformation belt, but in Oz you transform into a maximum of 126 different forms by a combination of three medals.
Of these, when combining specific 3 pieces, you can transform into a form that is stronger than usual, called "combo", and each unique transformation voice is made to flow. An application called "Combo Change! Kamen Rider Ooo" which reproduced the transformation into this combo was developed. The state of the action is uploaded to YouTube.
Details are as below.
YouTube - Combo Change! Kamen Rider Ooo (zoom in)
title screen.
Select the combo you want to play here.
This is when you select Tataba Combo. The transformation belt (oz driver) is displayed, and three medals of hawk, tiger, grasshopper are loaded.
When tapping it, the driver tilts diagonally.
And in the upper left there is an aus scanner to scan medals. It will automatically scan medals.
Finally Orlando Circle is displayed, transformation complete.
When the transformation is over, the screen transitions to the form description of the official site.
All combos up to the Putila combo are recorded.
The application is gradually upgrading and details are being improved. In the current latest version, Oscanner is made to be able to move by himself, and it seems that the degree of reproduction as Overs driver is increasing more.
YouTube - Combo Change! Kamen Rider Ooo Ver4
This application is a smartphone compatible application development environment "Appcelerator"Titanium MobileWhat was made with. Mr. mochiz is the creator, and the source code is published on GitHub.
Mochiz / combo_change_ooo_driver - GitHub
2011/05/21 2:10
This is an unofficial application to the last. Because it is limited to personal use, there is no plan to sell or distribute it.
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