Suica, ICOCA, PASMO, PiTaPa, etc. are available all over the country to start mutual use service of transportation IC cards

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 10:58 May 19, 2011, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Now railway companies in Japan have independently issued transportation-related IC cards such as "Suica", but it was officially announced that mutual use services will be fully commenced at last.

IC cards that I have now can be used throughout the country, so travel and business trips are likely to be easier.

Details are as below.
(PDF file)We decided to implement mutual use service of transportation IC card

According to the press release announced by transport company companies in a joint name, it seems that they have agreed to start transport service IC card mutual use service from the spring of 2013. This will greatly improve the convenience of users nationwide using transportation-type IC cards.

The following 11 companies agreed to implement mutual use service. There are some transportation IC cards such as "Suica" which are pre-paid, such as "Suica", and those of the postpay type which are withdrawn by credit card transaction every month as much as they used for "PiTaPa".

Kitaca (Hokkaido Railway Company
Suica (East Japan Railway Company)
Manaca (Nagoya Traffic Development Organization Co., Ltd. and McCart Co., Ltd.)
TOICA (Tokai Railway Company)
PiTaPa (Thru and KANSAI Co., Ltd.)
ICOCA (West Japan Railway Company)
Hayakagin (Fukuoka City Transportation Bureau)
Nimoca (Nimoka Co., Ltd.)
SUGOCA (Kyushu Railway Company)

Although PiTaPa does not correspond to the mutual use of electronic money, each affiliated transport company of PiTaPa also has the merit of introducing a service such as discount of fare according to usage frequency, so my style It seems that it is rather convenient to be able to use the cards that match your everyday use across the country.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log