Eight actions of daily routine causing stroke, a little thing such as "drink coffee" triggered

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Results of summarizing the percentage of seizures occurred on everyday behavior as a trigger for stroke was released.

The triggering acts are surprisingly familiar ones, and the most common activities of daily life such as "sniffing nose" and "drinking coffee" are cited.

Details are as below.Drinking Coffee, Having Sex, Blowing Nose: Among 8 Potential Stroke Triggers - TIME Healthland

A research result reporting that there is a possibility that a common stroke may be a common cause of daily routine which is not usually kept in mind is reported. Of course, it is not applicable to all people, it is possible for a person who has "a cerebral aneurysm (a cause of stroke, a brain's artery swollen in a humpy shape)" with or without awareness, causing danger It is that there is sex.

According to the National Neurological Radiology Association, one predicts that one out of 15 people will experience cerebral aneurysms in weak parts of the blood vessels in the brain somewhere in their lifetime. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Studies, it is estimated that 25,000 to 27,000 people will have cerebral aneurysms within the brain every year in the US only.

Although the possibility is not so high, the cerebral aneurysm sometimes ruptures, and it seems that there is a case that bleeding once causes a stroke if it ruptures once. Approximately 40% of them are said to fall into serious symptoms related to life and death.

Dr. Monique HM Vlak, who is studying neurology at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, asked 250 subjects who had a stroke due to a ruptured cerebral aneurysm and what was doing just before the attack occurred 30 items We picked up questionnaires in a form to let you select from, and picked up eight items that are particularly dangerous based on the answers. We also calculated the percentage that causes stroke.

1: Drink coffee (10.6%)

2: Violent exercise (7.9%)

3: Bite your nose (5.4%)

4: Do sexual activity (4.3%)

5: Fluid in the toilet (3.6%)

6: Drink cola (3.5%)

7: Surprised by someone (2.7%)

8: get angry (1.3%)

The thing that was common to each item is that they rise suddenly the blood pressure. However, there is a view that the rise in risk will not last long and will converge within approximately one hour. Also, although it is not included in the above list for drinking which is reminiscently associated with the risk of cerebral apoplexy, it is said that the risk of stroke has risen sharply as soon as drinking, but it is also fast to descend instead That means that.

Dr. Vlak recommends avoiding the above eight acts as much as possible in the case of patients aware that there is a cerebral aneurysm. However, if it is not intense, exercise can lower the risk of stroke, so "It may be effective if you do not drink coke or coffee, avoid avoiding hanging on the toilet" I have commented on it.

Regarding these behaviors, it should be noted that the person suffering from the cerebral aneurysm is the only thing to be noted, and it is unnecessary for healthy subjects to show an excessive reaction, but in the case that the cerebral aneurysm occurred before noticing ... Because it is conceivable, it is thought that by keeping it as a knowledge in one corner of the head, it becomes an index as to what kind of life should be sent in case of emergency.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log