Limited release of beer with Viagra in the UK
A brewery in the UK has announced that it will sell beer gras with beer gras with limited quantity and it is becoming a topic.
Speaking of ViagraTherapeutic agent for ED (erectile dysfunction)Although it is famous as other things, it also contains things with various excitement such as chocolate, first of all I become concerned about the taste has become more than the effect.
Details of the beer with beer gras are from the following. The beer that produced Viagra is a brewery named "BrewDog" in the UK, which means that it will be sold online through online shopping on the site operated by the company.
What is included in this beer is not a chemical substance but a "Herbal ViagraThat is to say. Besides that, it is used as an energetic agentIkarisoriOr it is a dish that you can not imagine what kind of taste it is in, even if some chocolate is in there.
The scene and bear picture that is being produced on the product introduction page of the site, producing beer. Although there may be an exaggeration, I am trying to put a Viagra-like tablet on the palm of your hand and place it in beer.
The official product name of Viagra beer is "Royal Virility Performance", which can be said as a souvenir, so to speak, a sort of souvenir to be released according to Prince William's Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding on April 29.Amendment of the thoroughly succession law which is currently the boys' priority is being studied so that their children can throw the throne of both men and womenInside, it is believed that beer that can be said as a vitality enhancer is manufactured and blessed in a somewhat sarcastic manner to allow children to do so early.
Alcohol power is 7.5%, mixed things are done in various ways basicallyIndia · Pale YaleIt is classified as.
"Royal Virility Performance" produces only 1000 pieces, the price is 10 pounds per piece (about 1351 yen). It is sold at the following site. It is said that it will be shipped to all buyers on April 28th the day before Prince William's wedding ceremony.
Buy Royal Virility Performance | BrewDog Beer
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