WILLCOM develops a high-speed communication service of up to 42 Mbps for corporate users

It became clear that WILLCOM develops a high speed communication service of up to 42 Mbps down to corporate users.

Details are as below.
WILLCOM | High-speed data communication service of up to 42 Mbps is provided for corporate customers

According to Wilcom 's press release, the company said that it will add a high - speed communication service using "ULTRA SPEED" to the communication service "WILLCOM CORE 3G" borrowed 3G line of SOFTBANK MOBILE on April 22.

The 3G data flat-rate business (S) for corporate customers already deployed will be applied, and the rate plan will be able to use high-speed data communication service with downlink maximum 42 Mbps and upload 5.8 Mbps at the same charge as before.

The usage fee of "3G data flat-rate business (S)" looks like this. Two-stage plan with a monthly charge of 2580 to 5580 yen, 2 million packets for free communication (about 256 MB). Contract will be from 5 lines or more.

Compatible terminals are ZTE made USB type "HX008ZT"

In addition, since it is said that the communication speed is restricted when the amount of usage data within the most recent 30 days, including that day, exceeds 10 million packets (about 1.28 GB), caution is required. SOFTBANK MOBILE, which provides lines, also introduces bandwidth limitation.

in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log