Nishihiko Kyogoku's original work "Beanfu Kozan" is a 3D animated movie, starring Kyoko Fukada and Tetsuya Takeda
© 2011 "Beanfu Kozan" Production Committee
Norihiko Kyogoku's novel "Shoji Kofuku Shuffle Road in the Road"3D animated movie" Beanfu Kozan "will be released to GW in 2011, its cast was announced.
It is Mr. Kyoko Fukada who plays the Beufu Kozini who can not frighten people although it is a youkai, and Mr. Tetsuya Takeda who plays the Danma role of the Beanfu Kozan.
The newsletter video newly released with cast release and the details of the movie are from the following.
2011 GW publication "Bekai Kozan" official website
The specials video is made so that the contents of the work can be understood in a single shot.
YouTube - 3D anime movie "Bekutani Kozan" Special Picture 2
The original is "Tofu Kozen Sugoroku Road Running Out". It is the work of Norihiko Kyogoku who is doing numerous novels based on youkai such as "summer of a mother-of-pearl bird" and "a box of a shrine".
In the Edo era, many youkai scared people.
However, Beanfu Koi has only the tofu on the tray. I can not frighten people because of their stupid appearance and weak character.
Father, the predictive entrance which is also the general youkai grand general is threatened to such a bean wee ko.
Together with Dharma, a dancer of Tohitomi hangs on a raccoon trap.
It is modern Japan that such two people arrived.
What kind of adventure will be fulfilled? The release of the movie is scheduled for the Golden Week in 2011. "Galactic Railroad Night"(1985) and"Alright then"Gisa blow Sugii of Mr. Sugii (2005) is the general manager.
It is Mr. Kyoko Fukada who plays the leading protagonist Beanfu Kozo this time. The following is Fukada's comment.
Dubbing is hard to play voice and voice only, but I am struggling hard, but I am looking forward to see Konpei Kozu moving around the screen with my own voice.
I hope to become a heart-warming work that makes you feel like youkai somewhere in this town after watching it.
And I think that the power of youkai who watch in 3D is amazing, so I would like to see many people in the movie theater by all means.
Takeda Tetsuya also plays Dharma role. Mr. Takeda got a comment that has become a Dharma.
It is a world in which 魑 魅 and 魍魎 が 魍魎 without being changed even now.
Konzaru and others of the youkai hate the human world, get angry and cursed, but the only Beuwiti Koban that appeared this time is truly different.
If other yokai members chemically transformed from the mind's heartfelt (bean curd), beanfu Kozan is a blur of kindness within the heart.
I am assuming that my duty is to make snails the most popular in the world.
Bean Wei Koi, be a bridge between the world of people and beautiful heaven and earth. If we wish for biodiversity, and if youkai are not diverse, we can not protect the earth!
© 2011 "Beanfu Kozan" Production Committee
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