Concept model of next generation ticket checker unnecessary for touch appeared

Means for getting on the railroad has been evolving from tickets to IC cards, but the concept model of the next generation ticket gates, which makes the touch by IC cards unnecessaryTrain Technology ExhibitionIt was exhibited at.

If this concept is put into practical use, it is possible to pass through the ticket examination simply by leaving the dedicated terminal in the pocket or the bag without having to take out the IC card from the bag one by one, Moreover, it will display up to the change home so it seems to be quite convenient.

Photographs and movies of the next generation ticket gates are as follows.Home | Japan Signal Co., Ltd.

At the booth of Nippon Signal Co., various new ticket gates were introduced. This type evolved conventional ticket gate.

Various information is displayed on the touch part of the ticket gate.

Here is a cheap version with no door.

YouTube - Print a boarding list just by touching New ticket gates in Railway Technology Exhibition

When you touch it, the seating chart prints out and comes out. Currently the Tokaido Shinkansen ticket reservation service "EX-IC card"When passing over the ticket gate, the seating chart will be printed out and it will come out, will a similar mechanism be incorporated in all the limited expressions?

And this is the concept model of touch unnecessary ticket gates. Since there is no need to touch the IC card, there is a height unlike the ticket gate currently in use.

If you turn on this device and put it in a pocket etc, you can pass through the ticket gate. This is a prototype to the last, if it comes to the practical stage it will be as thick as the current three IC cards.

The display on the destination of the ticket gate simply reads the terminal information and displays the transfer information just by passing. The electric bulletin board at the station is often set up just next to the ticket gate, and people are still staying there, so people are flowing smoothly as a result of introducing these systems, It is expected to be one means.

YouTube - Next Generation Touchless Ticket Gate Machine in Railway Technology Exhibition

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