The world's highest capacity 3TB model built-in HDD is officially announced, compatible also with compatibility problems

Become the world's highest capacityThere is a possibility that 3TB built-in model HDD will be released soonI told you the other day, but it was officially announced at last.

In addition, when using recording media exceeding 2 TB, problems of compatibility occurred, but we have cleared the problem by making use of a very interesting approach.

Details are as below.
WD Caviar Green 3 TB SATA hard drive (WD30EZRSDTL)

According to Western Digital's official page, as the latest model of its HDD "Caviar Green" series, it is said to release the world's highest capacity 3TB model "WD30EZRSDTL".

This is the body of "WD30EZRSDTL". Power saving, low heat generation, silent model operation sound is maximum 29 digibel. It has 64 MB cache memory and supports 3 Gbps serial ATA interface.

The package looks something like this.

When dealing with recording media of 2 TB or more, compatibility problems occur on many personal computers, but Western Digital uses Serial ATA card called "HBA (host bus adapter)" using PCI Express slot to "WD 30 EZRSDTL" It is enclosed and that compatibility is secured by connecting HDD via this card.

Support status for HDDs of 2 TB or more. By using HBA, 64-bit Windows Vista and Windows 7 can also use "WD30EZRSDTL" as a boot drive.

The official page does not state the sales situation in Japan, but the fact that the official announcement was made seems to be on the market before long.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log