KDDI Announces Sharp High-End Smartphone "IS03" to Respond to First-Generation Demand

The other day at GIGAZINEKDDI and Sharp will implement a smartphone recital for auWe announced today that the latest terminal "IS03" that can respond to the first demand is announced today.

Questions and answers etc. were added to ※ 11: 23. It is touched on the OS update schedule.

Details are as below.
Finally the launch starts. At the same time I posted a super-fast photo review of "IS03" announced today.

"IS03" Super quick hit photo review, Sharp made Android smartphone au gave serious - GIGAZINE

A recital was started. The reason that KDDI focused on Android was that Android showed steady growth in the American smartphone market.

And while it is predicted that Android will be second in the global mobile phone market in 2010,Reverse offensive with 'Android au'That's au's stance.

And although there is no smartphone with the function of mobile phones, it is a problem of the current smartphone market, but the innovative smartphone "IS03" inheriting the talent of mobile phones has Osaifu-Keitai function, One Seg, Infrared, High Quality Camera, Emergency Earthquake It corresponds to all domestic services such as breaking news, e-mail, C mail, decoration mail.

In addition, we announced that we will announce more than one smartphone and "forbidden application" at the 2010 autumn / winter model presentation to be held on 18th October. What exactly will it appear ...?
KDDI announces that multiple smartphones and "forbidden applications" will appear in autumn / winter model - GIGAZINE

Questions and answers made at the venue are as follows.

Mobile Watch Tsuda:
What is the discount policy for charges for the spread of smartphones, such as "IS debut divided (now: IS 01/02)"?

Since IS03 will be released later in November, I would like to announce it accordingly. I would like you to make up for today.

Why did you take the form of a joint interaction

Since CEATEC will start from tomorrow, even at Sharp's booth, it will be exhibited largely by touch and try. There are also such places, I announced jointly today.

Writer Yamada:
OS is Android OS 2.1, why is not it 2.2? Is there an upgrade?

We are going to upgrade to 2.2. We can not announce that time yet, but I'd like you to understand that there is a plan to upgrade.

NHK Lin:
I was talking about "seriousness of au" several times at a press conference, but please tell me about that feeling again

As you all know, it is often said that au's response to smartphones is delayed. Even today's IS 03, I'm pretty obsessed. I am doing a mobile business for quite a long time and I have been worrying about "what's fit for Japanese customers" for a long time, I think that we could do something quite good with the cooperation of Sharp. The autumn sales battle will start from now, but I will do it with all the resources of the company wanting to let you know. The specific way to do it will be released if you wait a little more, so please feel it there.

Free Free Ishikawa:
A similar model came from other carriers after the last IS01 but how to differentiate it from other carriers

As you pointed out, if you use such a platform called Android, there are cases like IS 01. Among them, we are studying how to give attention as au. I would like to announce it together on the 18th. The conventional feature phone (traditional voice terminal) is an exclusive (exclusive) aircraft, but that is not the time. I think that various companies will work out various measures. "Au Lessiness" is preparing for customers to feel themselves. Please expect it on the 18th.

The special site "Android au" on which official information of "IS03" was posted from the following.

Android au - au smartphone (IS series) | au by KDDI

in Coverage,   Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log