"Monitor seat" which can ride free on the express bus starts recruiting from the beginning of October

High-speed bus reservation portal site "Bath SagasFrom early OctoberStart recruiting "monitor seat" that can take a high-speed bus for freeWe announced that. Before"One coin seat" which is unmistakable to move between Tokyo and OsakaWe introduced a reasonable means beyond that.

"Monitor seat" needs to fill in the questionnaire after getting on the car, but there is no other expense etc,Can travel long distances without freeIt has become one. The recruitment date of "monitor sheet" that is held monthly is not fixed, it will be announced in official Twitter account, e-mail magazine, blog etc.

Although it is a cheap high-speed bus, even if it is just a cheap, if you use it, it seems that you can travel and move with limitless control of expenses.

Details of "Monitor Sheet" recruitment are from the following.★ I can ride free on the high-speed bus as a monitor ★ Wanted seat seat limited monitor seat !! | High-speed bus · night bus -

It was revealed that Bus Segas, a high-speed bus reservation portal site, will recruit "monitor seat" from the beginning of October 2010, which allows you to get on a high-speed bus for free on a monthly basis only.

The reasonably free and reasonably priced "monitor seat" is sought for people who usually do not get on high-speed buses to get to know more about the convenience of high-speed buses and more. People who have wonderfully acquired "monitor sheets" are required to submit simple questionnaires and impressions. If you hear that it is free, you will hear such a negative image or such a negative image, but in the case of "monitor seat" it is also to provide seats similar to ordinary boarding.

The seat to be recruited will be the route of the high-speed bus operating company dealt with by "Bass Sagas", so it will be moving between other local cities, including major routes such as Tokyo, Osaka, Sendai, Nagoya and Fukuoka.

Since it is not announced in advance when you want to recruit a line, in order to get "monitor sheet" moving between the desired cities, you need to subscribe to the e-mail magazine or become a follower of the official twitter account "@ bus _ sagasu" It seems convenient. Probably, it is probably best to keep following Twitter's official account from the speed nature.

Here is the official Twitter account. "The hint of the first recruitment start date is felt huh (haha)", so if you would like to get a "monitor seat", you might want to check out the information with particular attention to Daan in early October. not.

【High-speed bus】 on bussagas (bus_sagasu) on Twitter

in Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log