Apple finally launched the SNS "Ping", enabling communication through music

At Apple's event held in San Francisco early today,New iPod series including the fourth generation "iPod touch" with performance comparable to iPhone 4 and the new "Apple TV"In conjunction with Apple, "PingWe announced that we have launched an SNS called "SNS."

Not only can you check the latest information of artists and favorite songs, it also makes it possible to interact with friends and artists' fans through music, making this a revolutionary service that is unbearable to music lovers.

Details are as below.
Apple - iTunes - Ping

Appleの公式ページに開設された「Ping」のページによると、「Ping」は新たに公開された「iTunes10」を利用して、iTunes Storeにあるアーティストを「Follow(フォロー)」することで、アーティストのファンなどと交流ができるというSNSだそうです。

Image screen of "Ping". Just click the "Follow" button next to the artist name (in this case Lady GaGa) and you can join. In addition, it is possible to check not only the exchange but also the latest information of the artist and the songs that the artist likes.

Ping user's profile page. You can see what kind of music your friends and other fans are listening to and what kind of people they are following.

In "Recent Activity", in addition to the latest information on favorite artists, you can check the songs your friends are listening to, as well as listen to songs recommended by friends for 30 seconds. You can also view trendy songs in the top chart format among users who are following.

With Japan's leading SNS "mixi" as "the number of users did not grow", sharing of music playlists between users started in May 2006 and purchase of songs become possibleThat "mixi music" was finished last DecemberAlthough it is remembrance to the memory, because it is a service using iTunes, "Ping" which has the advantage of being able to access not only from the personal computer but also from iPod touch, iPhone, iPad, Will it be?

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log