Sweetness stands out Donut Plant "Cool Donut" Tasting Review

The other day,Purchase 340 donuts at onceAnd for the part I could not finish eatingFrozen storageWe did.

Although the frozen donut was also an unusual flavor that this is also ant, there is a shop where a cold donut is a commodity from the beginning even if you do not freeze the donut already made So I went there and tried it.

Details are as below.

Kore says that frozen donut is outDonut Plant.

"Cool cool donut cool donuts", this is the item of your choice.

It seems that takeaway is okay so I decided to take it home.

Also, we had cold drinks so we decided to order them together.

Cool donut comes with a refrigerant so as not to lose its coldness. If it takes time to take home, it seems to add a refrigerant.

"COOL white chocolate" on the left and "COOL black chocolate" on the right are both 350 yen.

Sometimes it is soon after purchasing, it is very cool. However, chocolate will melt for a while.

Sectional view. The outside is becoming soft and soft, but the feeling that the inside is still hard and has a sense of crispy feeling.

I feel that it is more sweet than whether it is chilled or because it is eating cold ones in the hot weather. Of course, this cool donut is tasty, but maybe it is delicious if you eat cold food depending on things when you usually eat donuts? I thought.

This is "Coffee Jelly Latte" Regular size 450 yen. It is 350 yen if it is small.

There was quite plenty of coffee jelly and it was said that "Please mix well and drink," but still the latte had disappeared and a lot of jelly remained. It may be enough for Al to finish with this regular size in the morning.

in Coverage,   Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt