Headline news on August 3, 2010

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:20 Aug 03, 2010, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Intelligence to manage recruitment information "an" was doneA survey on the so-called "clear space generation" of 15 to 22 years oldAccording to a questionnaire survey conducted by 488 male and female participants, it was found that 74% answered that "I think that we can obtain things other than money through work."

Then 56.8% answered "I feel uneasy about the future", but it seems that the positive attitude toward "work of the clear generation" can be seen.

So, tomorrowAugust 4. On August 4th one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

A daily salary of 50,000 yen + tribute, people who will become 'king' will be recruited - GIGAZINE

Makoto Tenjiku of "Golden Gush" announces a new work in a moment with three magazines and all five magazines - GIGAZINE

"SIM Card Spy Elite" tool that can recover data from SIM card that deleted data with mobile phone - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Reeboshi, actually came from the continent Estimated as an alien species such as Kyoto University - Science(Although it has been regarded as science and native species, there is no excavation from fossils or ruins, so the possibility of alien species was pointed out)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Aircraft flying away, bodily sensation Neighborhood airport has set up a tour site - Society(It improved according to the request such as "Vehicle," You can not take pictures successfully over the window glass "," Descend the bus and want to taste more realistic ")

What have you destroyed by your children? : Alfalfa mosaic(Childcare, electronic devices destroyed by children and important things)

"Bad information does not go up" Yu-pack ... Criticism of the general affairs minister: Economic news: Money · Economy: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Mail, Haraguchi General Affairs Division criticized that "unfavorable information (from the worksite) is not going to the management team and has structural problems")

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): "The oldest age in Tokyo" 113 years old, where do you live? The next son's home is a closed land - a society(In case of incident, Suginami Ward decided to check the location by postal mail, but the apartment in Ichikawa City, Chiba prefecture, which had registered as resident was cloaking)

Current affairs dot com: Confirm where my son is located = "I do not know where I am" - 113 years old Woman unknown · Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department(Society, the son who was supposed to know the location of a woman who was regarded as the oldest age in Tokyo does not know the location of the woman)

Current affairs dot com: "102 years old" even in Hachioji Male unknown = visited 3 years ago, "not" and family(Society, 102-year-old man in Hachioji city has been unknown from 8 years ago)

【Akihabara 17 people killing defendant 4th day (2)】 "The neta smells ..." (1 / 5page) on the prosecutor's "What's this?" (1 / 5page) - MSN Sankei News(trial,Akihabara Armor caseIn the trial of the prosecutor, the prosecutor asked the defendant "Are you saying?" Etc.)

"IOS" Market Share, Maximum Growth in Single Month - July Netmarketshare Survey - CNET Japan(Software, Apple's iOS market share was 0.59% in June, but it grew to 0.7% in July)

"Jumbo rice branded lunch box" popular at Famima store of Shanghai Expo (Excite Bit connector) - Excite News(Food, because by the pavilion a commonplace to wait for hours, with one hand while the arrangement, moreover, is the food of the volumes that can be satisfied even one receiving)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Look for places where candy can be earned(I do not know the reason, but it is common that the crowd is located at the counter of the store etc.

Brad Pitt, # 1 in the man's favorite ranking chosen by men: movie news - movies. Com(Entertainment, holding down David · Beckham, ranked first in the rankings British men pick)

China Game Show and China Joy photographs that seems to be a sexy fair 10 images International News: AFPBB News(Overseas, beauty companions gathering at the event named "Chinese joy")

"No pregnancy denial" not recognizing my pregnancy, one in 500 women? International News: AFPBB News(Overseas, sometimes you do not notice that you are pregnant at all until giving birth, and surroundings are hard to notice when women are obese)

Transport of heatstroke 21 thousand 98 deaths, worst pace - 47 NEWS (Yona no Toshi news)(Society, this year it seems to be a record hot weather so when you go out let's take care of body temperature adjustment and hydration supplementation)

Professor, "40 drinks" Professor Retirement: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Professor of Mukogawa Women's College who denied that "I drank 40 nutritional drinks" against the accident, drinking alcoholic driving)

Togetter - "About McDow's rotten girls set"(Story, bacon lettuce burger set = BL burger set = rot baby burgers set)

Subway: Tokyo Metro and the metropolitan unification city and the city negotiated - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Transportation, the former special corporation Tokyo metro was converted into a stock company in 2004 and the country and the capital own shares, but early listing is stipulated by law)

Beard Pirates: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiyaki suspends the movie "Linda Linda Linda" Pakuri(Anime, the live scene in the 12th episode "Live Alive" is entirely the same)

Makoto: It's not expensive? Annual salary of professional baseball player (1/2)(Economy, elite in the elite who had 289 over 100 million yen in salary, but professional baseball players also passed through many narrow gates)

Current affairs dot com: DOCOMO and Dai Nippon Printing partnered with e-book(We are considering jointly establishing a new company dealing with services to distribute novels and magazines for mobile, smartphones, etc.)

"Shinn-kun" who was popular ... Now popular people: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Region, "Even if you visit a company in Tokyo, thanks to Shen-kun becoming famous nationwide, the effect became easier to advance negotiations" etc.)

Nagoya: manga artist training tea open equipment preparation, professional lecture also - every day jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(It is characterized by a memo, six seats are placed in the center of the shop, a special desk for drawing manga)

Press announcement material: overseas packet flat-rate service "Overseas Pake-hodai" start of service | News | NTT DoCoMo(Mobile, fixed rate packet communication available up to 2980 yen a day)

Press release presentation: "DoCoMo smartphone lounge" opened | Notice | NTT DoCoMo(Mobile and smartphone touch and try are possible, but you can not purchase)

Imation Co., Ltd. | Easy to take snapshot, HD easily shoot HD mobile movie "MobiCam", released from Imation(Hardware, movie camera that can shoot high definition picture quality of 1280 x 720 (30 fps) and still picture of up to about 5 million pixels)

FeliCa on 10 inches large screen - Android digital signage terminal "NEXTOUCH" - ITmedia Professional Mobile(Hardware, Android compatible digital signage terminal equipped with FeliCa reader and writer, models corresponding to naked eye 3D will also be released)

Criticism in the blog, serious injury due to repayment ... University rigid baseball club: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Group assault by four people who were upset about writing on the incident, "I want people who do not clean up to quit" on their blog)

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): Interest in childcare, suddenly lose? Description of the site Taiwan 2 Child abandonment - Society(The incident, the mother of two children abandoned the death had put on the SNS etc)

Current affairs dot com: 17,780 people nationwide = Emergency transportation of heat stroke in July - Highest in history, half of elderly people · Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Fire and Disaster Management Agency(Society, the peak day was July 23, 1789 people were transported how)

Police Radio: Digital camera, GPS function also suspects image send quickly - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(It will be useful for the initial investigation, for example, it will be possible to know society, incident scene early)

"EXILIM" equipped with "super resolution zoom" - 2010 - News release - CASIO(Digital camera equipped with hardware, zoom function using super resolution technology that can be expanded while suppressing deterioration of image quality)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): "Favorite of the deceased" candle popular cup liquor · Ohachi ... 37 species - Society(Memo, a candle for an offering that shaped a favorite of a deceased person)

What do you drink when you eat? : Alfalfa mosaic(The appearance of sweet drinks such as food, tea and water is popular)

To his wife "Zero to now" Shuzo Matsuoka, toasting while reflecting - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)(Performing arts, appealing exactly while talking about his wife)

3D TV Can not sell at all! Participation in four major companies is also "disappointing" - politics / society - ZAKZAK(Due to the influence of hardware and 3D glasses, 3D television sales will remain at 1% of flat screen TVs)

Headline news is temporarily suspended today.

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Headline news on August 2, 2010 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log