Headline news on March 29, 2010
"Graduate 2011 graduate, ranked as popular enterprises finding employment in the IT industry" who studied students who are going to graduate in 2011 will be announcedIt is said that NTT data was chosen as the No.1 overall ranking. This ranking is from five perspectives This ranking measures the attractiveness of companies from five viewpoints of work, company, occupation, employment, recruitment activities, and NTT DATA is ranked first, although each item He got the first place in total because he gathered votes steadily in the field.
Also, when asked about the main reasons aspiring to the IT industry, most respondents answered that they can "benefit society" and "acquire specialized skills", with business types that can contribute to society and step up It seems that there are many students who think that they want to. Meanwhile, about 30% of respondents said that "When giving business tenure from both IT companies and companies other than the IT industry," Prioritize enterprises in the IT industry "is about 30%, and students who are so committed to the IT industry You can see something not many.
So, tomorrowMarch 30. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on March 30th one year ago.
■A girl who disappeared instantly in a vacant lot - GIGAZINE
■"Iceman photoscan" to see the mummy "Iceman" of a male found in a glacier - GIGAZINE
■A movie that cats are playing in the state of their heads and being played by other cats - GIGAZINE
Today's headline news.
■【2ch】 New Speed Quality: Charm of Karaoke alone, "Human Kara"(Many people go for entertainment, stress relief and practice)
■User psychology change? Moe-type event The mourning of the birds as a music event behind the succession - men's saiseau(Subcarre, "Koichi-Special 5 in Mito" and "Moe Hiroshi" are popular and "GO! FES" is slumping as more people are irritated by specific artists and media by popular agencies and mass media Consideration that it may be)
■【2ch】 New speed quality: Do you really have fun memories with drinking?(There are plenty of case that it exploits misuse by saying that it is flying though memories are not flying, and really it is flying)
■The 5th Otaku Senryu selected by you | Interlink(Kawanagi, the fifth time this year, the God de award is "not familiar to this world in this knowledge otaku")
■@ Nifty: Daily portal Z: Manneken Piss brief watch(The memo, the caption rarely attached to the image of the Manneken Pis is surreal)
■A terrible, "Chinese art market". - Keiya Sonichi's New York · Art diary(Economy, "Value" is attached to "quality" but in the current Chinese market market "attached value" is "quality" as it is)
■Tech Wave: Impact on docomo users at SOFTBANK's Google mobile announcement 【Yukawa】(Look at the remarks on mobile, Twitter and examine how everyone feels in this announcement)
■What I saw from Sony's "Mirrorless Single Eye" - Digital Camera Watch(Digital cameras, "Mirrorless SLR camera is a category different from SLR cameras" as consensus is gained, manufacturers have been making business video cameras such as Panasonic and Sony are being pressed for decision to introduce products)
■Why is a man mostly a professional chef? : 2 ch: Tokyo VIPPER(Opinion that men are more suitable for job taste disorders due to physiology and physical fitness)
■Asahi.com (Asahi newspaper publishing company): 3 years after graduation treated college student as a new graduate, proposal for academic conference - society(Countermeasures concerning evils which makes it difficult to secure time to learn in university 4 years)
■Surprisingly unknown version notation · Travel Tips on Numbers - @ IT(Software, commentary on version notation of various patterns)
■Photographed the earth from 35000 m altitude at a budget of less than 70,000 yen - Slashdot Japan(It seems that NASA has asked about the shooting method to the photograph, the height of too much quality)
■News - Science & Space - Is human being aggressive in global warming? (Full article) - National Geographic official Japanese site(Environment, "When the temperature is high, humans are sick and short-tempered, they seem to be aggressive")
■Real Live - Masanobu 's steaming or kicking or something? Now suspicious of tax evasion !?(Entertainment, "stakeholder story" that there is a possibility that the tide changes with this news report)
■Math is required for programmers? - Slashdot Japan(There is also the idea that programming, "The data set we deal with is becoming larger and algorithmic analysis focusing on mathematics is also important")
■Eliminate Google search from Google OS mobile? It is! China Mobile Announces - China (Record China) | Excite News(Half the attractiveness if China's service of Google can not be used)
■Police puzzle puzzle "can not verify" ... poisonous dumpling: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(It can not be explained in the opinion of Chinese Ministry of Public Security, which makes food a series of drug contamination alone)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Digital Poster, Switching Instantly Appears at JR Shinagawa Station - Society(Will the number of people who do poster re-work at society and station decrease?)
■Vietnam: "German · Dream" seizure Mandarin learning overheating - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Overseas, last year, Mr. Philippe Wrestler from Vietnam took on the health minister as young as 36 years old and became a topic in Germany "Vietnamese miracle")
■The entrepreneur A at the end of "God of Enta" fears about future life (Ameba News) | Excite News(Entertainment, even the entertainer who was too dependent on one program is responsible)
■Current affairs dot com: 70 million yen worth for dementia women sales = Sogo employees are precious metals, etc. - Hiroshima · Kure(It seems that society, male employees accompanying the banks and transferring money from another account when the account balance of women is gone)
■Invading Google from the municipality to the optical communication test service, the mayor's extreme performance also - News: ITpro(Communication speed 1 Gbit / s which is more than 100 times faster than network, currently available communication services in the US)
■Google and Apple CEO together witnessed coffee at Starbucks: News - CNET Japan(Business, "Everyone will eventually understand everything, a mysterious conversation that everyone takes care of what it takes")
■Yusuke Furuta Akiba Pick Up! : "This is seriously usable" - Highly practical USB 3.0 compatible parts (1/4) - ITmedia + D PC USER(Hardware, USB 3.0 compatible devices such as external HDD and S-ATA II conversion adapter are appearing one after another)
■ (PDF file)"TBS On Demand" achieved full-year profit in FY 2009! ~ First as a video distribution service managed by television stations ~ Further launching "missed delivery" of terrestrial drama Delivery for mobile phones is also full swing!(In addition to successfully improving efficiency by sharing operations such as net service and rights handling, TBS will be the first to make profit for the full term)
■Listen to KDDI au one enhances search function, its background(Customized to make search results suitable for mobile and Japanese mobile phone users)
■Press announcement materials: About the start of "docomo web mail" offering | Notice | NTT DoCoMo(It can be used for mobile phones for free by using mobile and PC as well as dedicated i-appli)
■"Anime is a good example which was inadequate with two nuclear weapons" Overseas reaction by US lawmakers(Anime, an excuse desperately desperate since it became later)
■What I lost was not "money" but "enthusiasm": Nikkei Business Online(The minutes of science and project sorting have not yet been released and its damage was enormous)
■Full-time housewife cashing refusal ... To major card stop: Economic news: Money · Economy: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Finance, financing to holders of "family cards" issued with their husband's card will continue)
■"Invisible discount" at convenience stores: Nikkei Business Online(Discounts on royalties payable by affiliated stores to headquarters rather than discounts on economy and products)
■Tele-Toyo Shinbun, released on YouTube at the same time broadcasting - ITmedia News(The aim is to increase the number of viewers by expanding the point of contact between programming and viewers)
■How is the "appearance" of the old people different from us? | Web R25(Memo, possibility that future people will degenerate and possibly degenerate)
■Please give me money! A great confusion due to the rush of foreigners to 'child allowance' - Politics · Society - ZAKZAK(In society, in the case of current "child allowance", the case where the certification method is sloppy so you do not know whether you actually feed the child)
■Pre-school for marriage (Excite Bit Connector) | Excite News(Memo, the name of Julian "Araki Master" who is a familiar Juliana for the lecturers)
■Obesity due to overeating and drug addiction, the same change in the brain Rice research international news: AFPBB News(Activity of dopamine 2 receptor decreases due to health and overeating, and the reward system will not work unless eating in large quantities)
■"3D handheld display" without glasses (video) | WIRED VISION(System using hardware "visual parallax" of visual appearance of eye caused by change of distance to the viewing object)
■Shita Hatsumi hits such as the dying CM song / Western Japan newspaper(Sang a lot of CM songs including death, Mazda · Cosmo's "My Luxury Night" and Maruzen Oil's "OH! Moorets")
■Fukuoka prefectural police production eradication "Illusion" eradication to DVD stolen, 150 free rental / West Japan newspaper(There was a request from the organized crime group called the police, "a child of a member who goes to school is bullied", and it was only partially used)
■Japan 's colonial rule which was good or bad, changed the fate of Taiwan afterwards. : Alfalfa mosaic(Culture, stories of people who lived in Taiwan before the war)
■IPad lacks items Delayed shipment of new reservations - ITmedia News(Hardware, the appointment was promised to be shipped on April 3 of the release date, but the current scheduled shipping date is April 12)
■Profile to SNS even if it is banned under 13 years, 1/4 of children using English net-INTERNET Watch(The consciousness of privacy protection is strong, since 83% was "open to friends" and 4% was set to "private" on the net)
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Headline news on 26th March 2010 - GIGAZINE
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