Headline news on 20th July 2010


This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:00 Jul 20, 2010, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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TSUTAYA which is renting and selling music · video software · books is "TSUTAYA excavation good article" introducing masterpieces know by those who know it is buriedIf boring, we will issue a refund campaign from July 26thTo do. This project has been conducted experimentally at five stores in Tokyo since June, and since the rental occupancy rate dramatically increased despite the old work, it was decided to expand nationwide this time.

The work subject to this return campaign is a suspense action movie starring Richard Harris, published in 1974 "Juggernaut"It is said that we will continue to select one subject for each refund plan for future refund planning.

The refund campaign is from 26th to 29th August, and it is only for 1 person, 1 piece, target shop where you rented the target work. The refund amount is the discounted price of the target work displayed on the receipt, and the additional charge and the late fee are not eligible for refund. Also, on the assumption that the rented principal will visit directly, the posting to return BOX will be excluded.

So, tomorrowJuly 21. On July 21, one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

A female researcher who wanted to see what the death of the person was like and killed a neighboring inhabitant ono - GIGAZINE

A map that shows the extent of the Internet population around the world - GIGAZINE

A card that can let you ride on the air in the air - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Real way to utilize "Jojo" as a goggle "JOJO CONS recommendation" - Real Live(I'd like to actually see what kind of air the site of JOJO CON will be)

Sister is VIPPER 【Reading attention】 Picture of gloomy expressions of cartoons and seal times(Manga, things that do not make sense if modified)

Overworked job hunting betting 100 million yen in salary, would you like to take? - MovieWalker(Survival game betting one employment frame under the three rules "Memo," Do not talk to the examiner "" Do not break the paper "" Do not leave the room ")

Let's chart the world's external debt countries worst 20: Garbagenews.com(Economic, Japan's external debt is surprisingly small)

Antenna Receive Sensitivity Problem of iPhone 4 Banding Plaster "Anntena-aid" - Touch Lab - Touch Lab(IT, set of 6 colors, the price is about 430 yen)

Average age 14.5 years old "S / mileage" new songs are great panchira: hamster breaking news - livedoor blog(Entertainment, too explicit too much)

Does she really like a man like a girls' cartoon? : Alfalfa mosaic(Manga, various ideal images appeared)

A cat that appeared in English drama, ashes ashes to the auction | speech of the world | Reuters(Estimated successful bid amount is about 13,000 ~ 20,000 yen with a memo, cremation certificate and advertisement photograph taken together with cast of drama)

Russian beauty spy, Chapman to porn world love call international news: AFPBB News(Overseas, the title is a parody of "The spy who loved me"The Spy Who Shagged MeWill it become such system or the like)

"Suspected acquisition" has emerged in former Mosumi girl Kago Ai who decided to participate in Samasononi! - daily Saizo(Entertainment, pure rock fans feel that they are dissatisfied)

KINGDOM HEARTS Re: coded | SQUARE ENIX(Game, release date decided on October 7, 2010,Special trailerAlso released)

Window Forever - 【REVIEW】 "Scouter" which measures the "fighting power" of a personal computer and applies it to a character of a dragon ball(Software, combat strength is calculated independently based on the specification of personal computer, and the fighting power of each character is adopted as faithful to the original as possible as much as possible)

V.a. (Western music): the most earned band / top 10 / BARKS news this past year(Half or more artists who are not bands such as music, Beyonce and Lady Gaga)

What is gagge, eroge that can be absolutely sold when animated? : 【2ch】 New speed VIP blog (`· ω · ')(Although it is already animated as it is already being ignored, "Tsuyoku Cool × Sweet"And"You are the lord and the butler is me."Promise to this blue sky - Welcome to Tsugumi dorm ~And somehow once again ...)

Opposition helicopter is powerful with "Hawk's eyes" for street crime, Osaka prefectural police (1/3 page) - MSN Sankei News(Cooperate with crime, ground and helicopter tracking snatchers)

【2ch】 New speed quality: Yamakan who was criticized for "my unfriendly senior" is inverse Gile "Recent Ossan has no power to read a movie"(movies,"My unfriendly seniorTo critic Terawako LabMany movie people lament that recent young customers do not have the power to read a movie, but I can not accept a movie if I show such a movieYamakan criticized as)

Leica, C-LUX 3 limited to 50 "Chibi Maruko Chan Model" - Digital Camera Watch(Limited model with the character of "Chibi Maruko chan" drawn by camera and original author Sakura Momoko for this project)

Suspect of continuous murder case, identified from son's DNA - Slashdot Japan(This is the first time that we succeeded in identifying suspects in criminal cases that are drawing public attention from society and the public)

MOONGIFT: »Structured editor for text + graphics" Argumentative ": introduce open source every day(Software, organized in the head by writing down in order)

[JS] Script to switch panel display in conjunction with Google Maps | Collis(Script, script to switch display between Google Maps and panel)

Distribution of 1 million digital terrestrial digital cards NHK News(Distributed to elderly households in politics, postal delivery)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): US Amazon mail order, electronic book sales volumes pull out the hard cover book - net · virus - digital(IT, sales of e-books in the first half of this year more than triple than last year)

Google withdraws from original mobile phone Just halfway from sale without sales channels - MSN Sankei News(IT, sales will end in the US but continue in Europe and South Korea)

"Vatican" hits the "childhood lover" site when it googled international news: AFPBB News(Incident, cause is unknown)

"Mobile Broadcasting" Battle Final Chapter DoCoMo VS. "Number of Customers" KDDI (1/3 Page) - Sankei Biz (Sankei Biz)(Media, aiming for 'emptiness' of radio waves due to termination of terrestrial analog broadcasting in next July)

A story that does not use a cooler and a story that does not become stiff shoulders: Hiroyuki @ Open SNS(Story that appliances, circulators are recommended)

People who wish to think that I am always rational / reasonable - Polar bear waste basket (general belonging)(Society, "The first thing is that you do not overconfidence yourself")

In front of the prefecture 'Midsummer' Beach Big Bang - - miyanichi e press(Miyazaki's beach, which was opened sea late one week later due to foot and mouth disease)

Landscape seen from the window of the room p: Bear(Photo, various sceneries from nature-overflowing scenery to building intervals)

Windows 2000 expired, threatening to 150 thousand units: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(There is a possibility that damage to the software, OS which is not supported may be damaged)

Chofu City "GeGeGe no Kitaro Number" - Distribution to the winner of the desired number - Chofu Keizai Shimbun(Transportation, original number plate with original manga character in Japan where Kitaro who put the eyes father was drawn)

Discovered from the oldest champagne in the world or the wreck of the Baltic Sea | Abstract of the world | Reuters(Overseas, divers opened the bottle and tasted champagne presumed to be Veuve Clyco in the second half of the 18th century)

About "variation with you" ~ ♪ (Excite Bit Connector) - Excite News(Memo, familiar "You and the combination, Family Mart" jingle, composition is Kobayashi Yasuna)

"I spent a huge amount of time testing the iPhone 4" Apple's antenna test room published with photos and videos - ITmedia News(Mobile, "It covers almost all assumed usage conditions", but in fact the antenna problem has occurred)

Yuusuke Uezu "Excellent physical strength game" Severe marathon challenge (entertainment) - Sponichi Annex news(Broadcasting, marathon was 24 hours TV of NTV)

Admission: "Fine Science" wishful father, four times as much as "Humanities" Kuraray survey - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(The reasons why you would like to go on to science and engineering are, in descending order, "to foster logical thinking", "to acquire expertise", "to advantage for advancement and employment")

Ghibli movie release at Sōemiya Encounters / Web east side · news 20100720110141(The number of tourists of "Sheng Ming Garden" who became a reference for the stage of "Animation, Borrower Arrietty" is 2.5 times as much as the movie effect)

ANA, All-Japan draft beer sales worldwide first, dedicated server development - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)(Memo, ANA and Hosisaki jointly developed a dedicated server using dry ice gas)

Jellies containing AIDS drugs, effects on infection prevention: Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Science,Anti-rape condom "Rape-aXe" where a sharp prickle penetrates like a tooth in a penile in a rapicitorEffective is expected because it can be used by women 's will as it is)

Current affairs dot com: Setouchi International Art Festival opens = Kagawa prefecture (area)(Artist, Soichiro Fukutake says general producer, "Although it is an art festival, art is not a leading role.The people in the community regain smiles in the art and create communities that envy urban people, local revival is the art Festival's work ")

Current affairs dot: positive for collaboration with everyone's party = Hashimoto Osaka Governor(When politicians agreed on dismantling / reorganization of the Osaka prefecture / city which is the goal of politics, "the meeting of the Ishinha," it suggested the possibility of cooperation by mutual recommendation etc. in the unified election)

Woman Eye Sayonara Pantyhose Empathy on Barefoot, Aim for "Suji Leg" - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)(Note, "Comment that open toe with tiptoe opened in winter, boots are required even in the summer" is posted, but certainly even in the summer boots made it possible to see the lady 's woman)

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Headline news on July 16, 2010 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log