Headline news on June 23rd, 2010

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:00 Jun 23, 2010, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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There are lucky users who accidentally got ahead aheadIs revealed today, but tomorrow, Apple's "iPhone 4" will be released on June 24.

Advance reservationIt ended in just a few daysTherefore, although it seems that there are some people who have made reservations, in addition to some SoftBank shops and the Apple Store, BIC cameras, Yodobashi cameras, and Yamada Denki are also preparing for sale on the day, so "I really want it People who say!List of stores to handleIt may be good to check.

So, tomorrowJune 24. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on June 24th one year ago.

KDDI is at the forefront of the development of smartphones adopting Google's "Android" - GIGAZINE

Kill two years knowing that she was a former man - killing GIGAZINE

Make your own ultimate 3D gaming controller "VR Game Gun" easily and cheaply - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
"Imitate the incident in Akihabara" NHK News(Suspicious inspected by 11 people in a social, Mazda factory was hit by a case)

Men's mutual kiss scene is released! Boys' love movie shooting scene is "like a boys school" - Cinema Today(I feel that the caption "movie," Kya ~~~~! ((Delight)) "represents all fans of this movie)

GAME NEVER SLEEPS why the main character of the game sold in Europe and the United States has a shy head and thought about the future(Game, a hero of little shaved head in Japan, but many in overseas games)

【Miscellaneous】 · "Disgusted people · Troubled people dis-issue": Africa Republic blog(As society, ultra-power society as well as the enhancement of welfare is called out "People like warriors" as "people who are being protected" are saying "Because you are living with our taxes" An anticipation that the era of sabbets may come)

Back circumstances everyone in the Moe industry knows: It was a shame(It seems that the vicious circle that everyone who can not adapt to reality gathers in society, the service industry that needs the most common social common sense seems to be lingering)

What elementary school students are likely to be told if they come to visit their social department at home - good morning www you guys wwwwwwww(I will say about this with a straightball story)

Medium 2 Boys, Falling at "Suspicious Risk" / Gunsan | Chosun Online | Chosun Daily(I was suspended at the 7th floor of the condominium)

Copy between you and others is funny Copy gee(Story, tempo is wonderful)

Togetter - Conclusion "Tedeta Okiri June 22 Selection with a technique select"(Story, "Katie, Nobita's Arrietty!")

Large-scale account hijacking on Twitter, more than 1000 users injured - News: ITpro(Internet service, most of the accounts taken over may be Israeli user accounts and Hebrew phishing fraud may be rampant)

Aya Hirano, Open Twitter for one day only! It is! It is! : 【2ch】 New speed VIP blog (`· ω · ')(To celebrate the release of the new single, a voice actor, opening a Twitter account for one day only)

Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: I will not allow you to follow me without my permission on Twitter! Permit and get this permission! - Livedoor blog(Culture, prohibition of ROM / prohibition of unauthorized linking · prohibition of stepping escape · prohibition of unauthorized access without permission)

New "Windows Live Messenger", "social dashboard" in cooperation with SNS - INTERNET Watch(Software, finally compact and easy to read "Compact mode" adopted)

This time is Xperia rooted? - wheat dot net(Successful acquisition of root authority necessary for mobile, Android OS customization)

Togetter - Conclusion "Softbank shop where iPhone 4 does not arrive on release date, summary of anger on other reservations"(Many people were told that there was no arrival on the day, although mobile, iPhone 4 was reserved at storefront)

Nagayama Masakatsu interview series: Secrets that were compatible with compact lightweight and single lens quality - Listen to developers of Sony "NEX" (prequel) (1/2) - ITmedia digital camera plus(It has advanced design and specs tickling camera, mania heart, but target user is not there)

DSAS Developer's Room: How to Determine the Windows Executable Machine Type(Software, Windows does not have such functions in the standard, making it easy to create code on the net because no such tool was found)

Should developers compete with each other? - Slashdot Japan(Development, it is worth that much for multiple employment to find good ones)

Leisureman \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: Also, the IT industry in Japan is sure to be converted to Galapagos w Even the copyright of e-books is also centralized management - Livedoor blog(Copyright, domestic proprietary platform was over 10 years too late)

Yumemi Tsubaki salon: unusual print mistake in this week's jumps bought by VIPPER 【Image Ali】 - Livedoor blog(It might be a bit lonely to get lost when publication, mis-singing or pinging becomes electronic publication)

ISBN is the era of individual acquisition «akalogue(Culture, how to acquire ISBN necessary to sell books in general market alongside JAN)

Heisei era 2010 white paper on suicide measures (PDF format)(Society, as a result of 50% of the cause of death suicide because there is less disease death from 20 to 24 years old)

US band "Slipknot" member, the cause of death is overdose of drugs | entertainment | Reuters(Entertainment, Gray's bassist who died in May was caused by overdose of drug and heart disease)

Current affairs dot com: Number of people mistaken, possible possibility of rescue delay = Medium 1 Hamamatsu City fire department in subversion(It is highly probable that he judged "All rescued" by calculating a single rescuer when accident, rescuing)

Tigers and camels stolen while transporting in Canada, safely returning to the zoo | the spill of the world | Reuters(Creatures, breeders talk of "camels kissed, they are covered with drool)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Northern Herring, why suddenly catch a big catch off the San'in - cause study - Science(Organisms, Tottori and Shimane, may be caught off the coast of Hyogo Prefecture)

Nadar Nishikori down to the second game, Wimbledon Championship Photo 5 International news: AFPBB News(Sports, Wimbledon with somewhat lower attention behind the World Cup)

"Coal mine feeding, there is no punishment", the northern coach declared, suffered a World Cup defeat 2010/06/22 (Tue) 11: 27: 16 [Searchina](International, anyhow the director is OK)

Window Forever - 【REVIEW】 "VLC media player" plug-in "VuvuzeLAUTLOS" to cut sound of "Vuvuzela"(Plug-in that alleviates sound like that flies when playing movies on software, PC)

37 meters long, City Council "waited" to the huge Vuvuzela South Africa Cape Town International News: AFPBB News(International, huge vuvuzela sound may cause traffic confusion)

Wall Street road sign, predicted better than 10.5 million yen awarded | Global speech | Reuters(Note, the sign at the intersection of Wall Street and Broad Street, the historical value seems to exceed the expectation)

How long is the Umeda underground city in Osaka a labyrinth? Blowing speed - VIP(Geography, it is quite convenient if there is a passage that allows you to go straight between the central ticket gate of the Midosuji Subway Midosuji line and the North ticket gate without going through the premises)

How to pass optical fiber without drilling a hole in the wall: Asial blog(Network, "And, our toilet has evolved into the communication room")

Cheap, easy to carry ... ... "Rain-resistant business shoes & coat" carefully selected! - Trend - Nikkei Trendy Net(Notes, raincoats that can withstand business use, and rain shoes looks like leather shoes)

The painful news (No ∀ `):" Enjoyed watching "arrested a man who stole 78 saddles and other girls' children - Livedoor blog(Incident, difficult to understand, pretty maniac criminal motives)

Miscellaneous note: Mega Sachiko appearing Nagoya - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Note, Meitetsu Department Store head officeNana chan dollIt seems that it was impossible to set up in front of the station because of the huge overwhelmingly)

"Bruce Lee Fell to Hell" by Science of Happiness |(It is amazing that there is only Tsukomiya stuff, full of books, Tsukkomi places)

"The Walker" Hughes brothers, the next work is a live-action version "AKIRA" stated as: movie news - eiga.com if you are a movie(Movie, 'Next is' AKIRA'.) Now I am busy writing a storyboard and plot "

"Nero gets dead" Flanders dog Confidential: Nikkei Business Online(Anime, interview with Mr. Koichi Motomachi, the founding president of Japanese animation and Mr. Yoshiharu Sato, an animation writer)

Picture which circulated abroad that confined to "Japan is strange": Ziiga(International, "It is likely to be in Japan" image, but there is a partial collage)

Kotoki, forever banished! To the first "expulsion" of the death penalty of the horny world: Sumo: Sports: Sports warning(Sumo, although there is no example of receiving a disposal so far, but the bet amount is several million yen unit "out")

Refund of refund for consumption tax increase and Mr. Edino Measures to reduce burden on low income people - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)(It makes no sense if complicated procedures are needed to decide political and refund amount)

Liberal House of Councilors election committee secretary general secretary general resigns resignation at cosplay (1 / 2page) - MSN Sankei News(Politics, the Liberal Democratic Party's supporter for Mr. Takaaki MihashiIt was super chaoticResigned in resignation)

Advantages of Chinese military equipment facing the European Defense Exhibition and how _ _ China _ Japanese(Can we get out of copying research and development of international and Western weapons?)

Alcohol Restriction WHO Guideline (1/3 page) - Sankei Biz (Sankei Biz)(There is a possibility of regulation in the all-you-can-drink plan which accounts for about 30% of the economy and customer use)

O157 and other enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infections rapidly increased - Medical care nursing CB news - Career brain(Medicine, the season has come to make foods more painful as it has become hotter)

CNN.co.jp: Medicinal products made from marijuana, the UK approved the world first(Medical,Multiple sclerosisType of medicine to spray on mouth as a remedy for

The embarrassing trouble of a man who can not ask anyone Q & amp; A - Trend - Nikkei Trendy Net(Answer to troubles such as memo, "Nickname is Abra ~" "These days not excited")

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Headline news on 22nd June 2010 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log