Headline news on 22 April 2010
SanDisk, a major flash memory company, as the second brand recognition campaign"Large, let's leave.Campaign with the theme "We started today from a date limited to June 30 (Wednesday).
This theme is an "animal" on a wide variety of earth, high image quality of animals such as animal photographer Takayuki Maekawa taken with a digital camera with SanDisk memory card inserted, such as Hakutouwashi, polar bear, Ezoshimaris Photos are posted on the special site.
In addition, in this campaign, "Nature tour of wild animals, a journey of Borneo island" nature tour is a lottery hitting 5 pairs of 10 people, and the original · eco bag which printed the animal photograph is gifted to 100 people by lottery. As for the applicationIt is also possible from mobile phonesis.
So, tomorrowApril 23. On April 23, one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.
■In response to the arrest of SMAP's grasshopper members, CM and others of the terrestrial digital broadcasting cease - GIGAZINE
■Cat trying to fax herself - GIGAZINE
■Danger and risk of death rise dramatically if it decreases by more than 5 kilometers after 20 years old - GIGAZINE
Today's headline news.■The stock price level reverted back 25 years ago! Numbers speak "Japan on the brinks" What will happen to the end of the crisis insensitive country? | News & amp; Analysis | Diamond Online(Economy, it is at the level before entering the bubble economy)
■3 Earthquakes occurred at the same time, assumed deceased · Shizuoka 8,100 people: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(When disasters, the Tokai · Tonankai · Nankai earthquakes occur at the same time, deaths are seen to exceed 1000 people in 6 prefectures)
■【Scoop】 Government "Zero Corporation Tax" Review: Nikkei Business Online(Politics, studying measures to promote the introduction of foreign capital to reduce corporation tax for enterprises newly entering Japan)
■Muhammad's satire at US animation "South Park", producer "Warning of Death" International News: AFPBB News(Because religion, Muslim prophet Muhammad wearing a bear's costume was made to appear)
■Steven Seagal's sexual harassment lawsuit and two more women suffer - Cinema Today(It seems that entertainment, like Tiger Woods' time to come forward as one after another)
■The average age of the first kiss is "17 years old" RIDE THE WAVE(Notes, questionnaire results for single women)
■Let's decide the best 3 lessons to be learned by children Breaking news BIP(Even people who listen to life, sports, study, and music)
■Tuna of sushi to be sold in the US, Mercury exceeding the limit amount International news: AFPBB News(Food, surveyed restaurants 54, supermarket 15 store all over the limit amount)
■Join Michelin 'Kobe'! Five people 's gastronomic expectation of "star candidate" big! - Life - Nikkei Trendy Net(Food, French and Chinese Fierce Battle Kobe to Michelin Guide for Next Year)
■Espresso of tea is popular among businessmen - Nikkei Trendy Net(Eating, it is not simply dense but extraction method is espresso)
■"Little sleep" and the effect of one night! I approached the amazing efficacy of a nap! | Web R25(Health, effect has been shown in the results of the center examination etc. in Fukuoka prefecture high school which took a nap of 15 minutes every day)
■Bear news: The career of the author of 'God Only Knows Secret' decided to be animated is amazing(Comics, works consisted of a series of setbacks and regrets)
■World Cup Opportunities for AIDS Enlightenment (1/2 Pages) - MSN Sankei News(Overseas, because South Africa, the world's most infected with HIV virus, is the World Cup venue, there is concern that infection may spread)
■If your home country win the World Cup "Fast for a week" 51% = Survey | Speech of the world | Reuters(If over 93% of those from England are overseas in North America, if they are for their victory in the home country, they will not stop for a week and 70% of Italian graduates will not be unemployed)
■One year of lifting boom "warship island" lifting boom, three times as many tourists as expected (1/2 page) - MSN Sankei News(Society, the economic effect in Nagasaki prefecture amounts to 1.780 billion yen)
■Police chief of police box, 1500 yen from lost wallets Embezzlement owner is 6 years old - MSN Sankei News(Society, founded because the owner went on a police box with the finder)
■Old Takachiho Railway, abolished all the lines, 'Resurrection' at accommodation: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Railway, vehicles opened as a simple accommodation as it is)
■Loss of Eruption 9 · 11 Exceeds ... To support aviation companies: Economic news: Money · Economy: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, an average of 1.2 million people are affected a day, the cancellation is expected to exceed 100,000 flights in total)
■The field is also sky! Former SDF sister unit birth (entertainment) - Sponichi Annex news(Entertainment, Wuri can do anything because it was trained in the SDF)
■Sending documents for Toyama prefectural police officers with embezzlement resale for commercial PCs - MSN Sankei News(In the case, Toyama prefectural police had fraudulent accounting of 13.45 million yen in 5 years)
■YouTube - 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer Commercial(Movie, CM of Mitsubishi Lancer in 2010. The content is that when a woman kisses a frog the prince who rides on a horse appears, but it does not end like a fairy tale.)
■Sample program for making Youtube video manager with PHP + MySQL + jQuery: phpspot development diary(It seems that it can be used for software, Headline of introduction site of YouTube video)
■NASA - Separation(Photo, Photo of Space Shuttle's Back and Earth)
■Computer path of Han (Otoko): You can profit even poor! It is! - poor man's profiler(Programming, searching for program bottlenecks with just a few lines of programs)
■Red Hat releases beta version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 - SourceForge.JP Magazine: full of open source topics(Features of Linux, virtualization, correspondence of cloud computing, enhancement of reliability, etc.)
■"Sell soul instead of buying game" · · · 7,500 people agree with shinigami game shop | inside(There was a trap in society, a coveted article clause)
■Togetter - Conclusion "No student at the vocational school games department knew the name of Yuji Horii"(It seems like a game, "Recent young people ......" but maybe a little lonely)
■Call of Duty 6 (2D Remake)(Game, modern Warfare 2 arbitrarily weakness 2D remake)
■Anatomy of the world of junior high school student No.1 "nicola"! Searching for the desires of junior high school students now - Saizo woman(Book, Mote is not conscious of much, with emphasis on how cute yourself)
■"Career reason reason ranking 2010 edition" announced "Anxiety about the company's future potential" ranked second consecutive year Top News - Career Orikon ranking ranking(Society, content that symbolizes the depression that the company's future potential is uncertain) is top)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): My wife's love unforgivable husband is JICA official stabbing Dominican Republic - Society(Overseas, her husband who knew that his wife had love for JICA staff got into a criminal against a grudge and his wife was also arrested as an accomplice)
■Suicide: If parent suicide by adolescence rate 3 times Sweden survey - Everyday jp (Mainichi newspaper)(It was found that the suicide mortality rate of the group who became suicide after 12 years of age compared to the same generation with parents alive abroad was 3 times, and in the case of 13 to 17 years, it was 3.1 times higher)
■Current affairs dot com: Oda gets marriage notification = "New life was also given" - Figure skating(Sports, opponent is classmate of junior high school age)
■Critical bug in McAfee update - "Windows XP" computer has been damaged: News - CNET Japan(Security, tens of thousands of "Windows XP" computers crash or repeatedly restarted)
■Togetter - Conclusion "Summary of Tweet" Roppongi Snow Flying "(The weather, what I think is extremely cold today.)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): full during big consecutive holidays ... I can not return I can not return European flights also screamed foreigners - society(International, consecutive holidays affect the long term from 24th to May 9th)
■What is the comfort of eraser size digital camera? (Excite Bit Connector) | Excite News(It seems that you can not see the subject well with a blurred blur even if you look through the viewfinder of a rice grain)
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Headline news on April 21, 2010 - GIGAZINE
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