Headline news on 20th April 2010

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:00 Apr 20, 2010, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

Research company "I share"Awareness survey on OS installation"According to the personal computer usage history, it is said that 48.2% of the long-term users" over 15 years "accounted for a majority. Although it was also the year that Windows 95 was launched 15 years ago, OS that I have installed by myself is "Windows" 76.7% and "Mac" 11.5%.

And it seems that 45.6% of the people who have trouble installing the OS by themselves are "45%" and that there are quite a lot of people who experienced troubles due to OS replacement. Microsoft collaborated with four system builders for netbook users without optical drivesStart Windows 7 migration serviceAlthough it is 55.3% who does not consider replacement even if the latest OS comes out, there are also a lot of people who have not thought about the update due to avoiding the initial trouble and not matching the hardware specs It seems.

So, tomorrowApril 21. On April 21, one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

A tie that can appeal to "I will do my best with death!" - GIGAZINE

Brothers who are obsessed with penalties for illegal parking using the characteristic of identical twins - GIGAZINE

The wrong letter of the signboard of the longest place name in America which was left for five and a half years is fixed - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.

Processing 1.2 million tweets per second, Twitter system "now" - @ IT(Interesting technical insights such as system, importance of partitioning strategy, processing in advance in queries where heavy calculation processing occurs)

Business Media Makoto: Twitter, recognition rate is over 90% Registration rate is less than 10%(There is a net service, some people are tweeting on Twitter even in their 50s and over)

Togetter - Conclusion "Concluding remarks with former curry of twitter girls"(The net, the word "former curry" is lined up so that the word Gestalt is about to collapse)

Japan Communications, DoCoMo pointed out wrongdoing - submitting opinion to Ministry of Internal Affairs: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun(Pointed out as unlawful selling in mobile, sales of corporate data communication line)

Lonely Planet, Iceland volcanic eruption to strolling travelers Sightseeing guide iPhone application released for free - iPhone / iPod touch laboratory(Free application of 13 cities applications until April 22 as a remedy for apps, travelers who are selling at 1800 yen per city but are stuck in general)

Use USB startup disk "Persistent mode" and comfortably use Ubuntu started with MicroSD card | Viva! Ubuntu !!(Linux, if it can be devised, it can also be effectively used as an everyday use environment)

Now it's a good opportunity NEC Re-Challenge 3D PC, released in September (1 / 2page) - SankeiBiz (Sankei Biz)(Hardware, contents of things launched in 2004 are not well developed and not popularized)

Pioneer, AV amplifier that can be controlled from iPhone / touch - AV Watch(Hardware, volume and others can be operated via LAN via dedicated application)

Cook pad data processing, only 50,000 yen: Nikkei Business Online(There are many benefits such as net service, it takes only 30 hours to analyze search logs taking 7000 hours if 50 instances are used)

US Florida Introduces "Crime Prediction System" - Slashdot Japan(Technology, young people who are likely to run criminal acts could be predicted)

Discount for student entrance fee in Kanto area Disneyland - SankeiBiz (Sankei Biz)(From society, junior high school students to those 18 and older)

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, small and medium sized export control support - diversion of weapons urge: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun(Supporting society and small and medium enterprises to properly export products and technologies that could be diverted to weapons of mass destruction)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Spring when coats and oden are sold ... unseasonable weather, distribution hands - business and economy(In business, the biggest convenience store 7-Eleven, the sales of oden of the week before last week increased by 20% of the previous year's level, and the Chinese man doubled)

What is girls' psychology of "like a little older"? (Ekini Renai Research Institute) | Excite News(Love, the so-called "generation gap" is less age difference, it is thought that it is a difference of about 5 years old from the age of yourself)

Desktop Fun: Mountains Theme Wallpapers - How-To Geek(Wallpaper, mountain-themed wallpaper)

【2ch】 New speed quality: About the matter that Aso was after all amusement(Politics, remarks of the Democratic Party of the opposition party had become pretty boomerang)

Plastic: Steel as good as steel, Strength 7 times lighter, Processable even at town factory - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Society, strong, light and cheap plastics are born with polypropylene as a material, and strength as high as steel can be secured if thickness is given)

Today is the ballet audition, but the waiting time is boring 30 pictures International News: AFPBB News(Image, Auditions for 5-6 year old children held at School of American Ballet)

WBC champion Valero, committed suicide Venezuela 2 pictures International News: AFPBB News(Suicide suicide hanging the neck hanging with a rope made by splitting clothes at a jail held in charge of murdering his wife overseas)

Filming of the "007" series 23rd movie to indefinitely postponed: movie news - if it is movie eiga.com(As movie, MGM is being auctioned with debt of about 3.7 billion dollars)

"Super Japanese Dubbed Version" Appears, Will You Stop Wandering on International Movies | Life | Oriental Economy of Investment · Economy · Business Online(I've built up "Super Japanese Dubbed Version" that allows conversation to be enjoyed more naturally, such as avoiding translational phrases by requesting teaching from the academy publisher who invented "super translation" known as a movie, Sidney Sheldon's novel)

"I love Japan!" Movie director one after another Manga and Japanese movies, dream collaboration (1/2 page) - MSN Sankei News(movies,"Battle of the TitansIsSaint Seiya influenced byI profess to be)

Naburabo: Manga artist Hidefumi Sato, "Tweet your portrait on Twitter" - ITmedia News(Manga, a plan to give free for one person per day)

King record, "Furikuri" made Blu-ray BOX - AV Watch(OVA of all 6 episodes produced by animation, Gainax and Production I. G)

"FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST" as a stamp - at the 13th Anime · Hero · Heroine Series - Akiba Keizai Shimbun(Anime, post office across the country released on June 14)

Capcom, popular software United States Sales collaboration with hardware, Accelerate overseas strategy (1 / 2page) - SankeiBiz (Sankei Biz)(Game, Wii software "Monster Hunter 3" to sell in Europe and America)

【Spoiler】 The thing I think the first person discovered in the game is amazing: Alfalfa mosaic(There are quite a lot of things that makes a game solve a puzzling mystery with no hint)

Akashi is not only octopus! Plamo Koshien July: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Public works are offered nationwide on society, marketing, original themes freely)

Cookies containing microorganisms "Midorimushi" popular - Nikkei Trendy Net(Food, 200 million animals entering per litter, rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids)

Why "Shumai"? Secret of Saiyan "Shumai Bento" - Tokyo Walker(Although it is the naming that made use of the rounding of the first president developed, the punishment is actually hidden)

@nifty: Daily Portal Z: Stir-fried celebrity bean sprouts, celebrity cats(Menu, using high-grade ingredients)

Zensho of "Sukiya", upwardly revised performance Results increase final profit by 54% - SankeiBiz (Sankei Biz)(Food, business achievement which is more than 1.5 times the final profit of March 2009)

[Note] I heard from a master of a bar, how to make smoked foods easily at home - the back of a water snake(Eating and even ventilation can make smoked good even at home stove if possible)

How to store soy sauce correctly? (Excite Bit Connector) Excite News(Food, shelf life after cutting off is unexpectedly short)

How to preserve condiments for self-catering beginners | nanapi [Nanapi](Food, preservation method of long-lasting condiment)

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Headline news on April 19, 2010 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log