Headline news on 15th January 2010

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:43 Jan 15, 2010, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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In condominiums and apartments and the like, I think that there are many cases where you see a cigar baggage in a room not showing nameplates, but as a result of a questionnaire survey on how many people are actually showing nameplates,Approximately 63% replied "I'm handling the nameplate"It seems that it was.

However, it seems that there is a big difference depending on the form of the residence and the presence or absence of cohabitants, about 83% of people in owner-occupied houses have made nameplates, while in rental condominium living, about 40% It seems that there is about the same difference in presence or absence of a living person.

So, next MondayJanuary 18. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on January 18th one year ago.

Fatal defect in Seagate hard disk firmware, startup impossible · Access turned out to be inaccessible - GIGAZINE

Movie sweaty in the hands of 'Human Tetris' who faithfully reproduced pixels in human tactic tactics - GIGAZINE

Anatomically accurate brain model knitted with wool - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Does NexusOne become a true iPhone killer? - Keep Crazy; diary of shi3z(Mobile, review article of NexusOne)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Why do French people have less heart disease ... thanks to red wine? - International(Health, it seems that it was said to be due to polyphenols contained in red wine, details are unknown)

"Inappropriate coverage" by counterfeit paper coverage ... TBS Apology: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society opened the mail that was in the home post in order to confirm the real name of a man who is considered as a suspect)

"Wife" 17 people Child 37 Israel Police arrested a man - MSN Sankei News(Overseas, arrested for suspicion of rape and human trafficking at the age of 60 who calls himself "savior")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Recruitment rate of university students finding employment, minimum record lowest 73.1% - Society(Society, employment situation more severe than the employment ice age of around 2000 reveals again)

Shark meat dish, made it to Jaws? High School Challenge: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Since food and shark meat have unique ammonia odor, how much smell can be taken is the key)

Giraffe, beer shipping quantity in 09 years in the first place NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net)(Economy, winning consumers with the strength of having the top product of "the third beer" wins)

World's first Bluetooth compatible video camera, Victor launches - ITmedia News(It can be operated remotely from hardware, Windows Mobile terminal and BlackBerry)

"Microsoft will not withdraw from China," Ballmer said - ITmedia News(Memorandum: "We are constantly attacked from all over the world, so it is not special even if attacked from China is bullish")

IE vulnerability - Exploited for targeted attacks on US companies: News - CNET Japan(Software, Microsoft announces the statement "Limited target type attack exploiting the vulnerability of IE 6 is recognized")

Reporters rage and cut articles! Criticizing ejaculation also from the scene to "fight arm" fighter / Aoki Shinya - daily Saizo(Memorandums that reputation seems not to be very good even within "Paraestra Tokyo" belonging to Aoki, and many people do not think anything about being removed from guidance)

Four reasons why the girls unit "Tokyo Girls Stream" that carries the expectation of avex can not succeed - Men 's Saizo(Entertainment, "Opinions that the age is too young and it is difficult to accept except some intense petrologons ...")

Cancellation of Japanese performance of musical 'Thriller' - Performing Arts - SANSPO.COM(The Asian tour itself is canceled because it turned out that there are areas where arts and equipment procurement is difficult)

Nekafe refugees fraud on the net: society: sports broadcast(Society, I wanted to start from scratch) I selfed

Male 7 patterns disliked by bowling | Sugoren(Love, there are many things that seems to go away by men)

Seven trends of women caught by bad guys | Otome Sugorol(Love, maybe that it does not fix even if I know it)

Celebrity purveyor "world's best breakfast" landed in Yokohama | YUCASEE MEDIA (Yukashimedia) | Comprehensive information site to stimulate the highest grade(Food, a shop that the NY Times called "the world's scrambled egg" opened in Yokohama)

Acquire without studying OK! "Delusion license" is full of playful mind of adults - Tokyo Walker(Note, expressing delusions and fantasies with a license, "Plastic card with high quality" waste)

Architectural consideration on Kaiji's steel bridge 1 | Architect Economist Moriyama's blog(Considering that it is "because it was the Tei Ai group" about manga, steel bridges and glass staircases of "gaming apocalypse Kaiji")

What is the trend of "Valentine Chocolate" in 2010? - Tokyo Walker(Note, because this year 's Valentine' s Day is Sunday, it may not be necessary to distribute more obligation chocolate than necessary)

Famous for the iPhone protective sheet without absolute scratches(Memo, a special coating on the surface, excellent when scratches are instantly repaired even if rubbed with a brush)

How many people dating before marriage? Tell me about your marriage! Bride's honne 【17】 - OZmall(Love, decision-making to decide marriage is "same value view" is inherent)

The disliked TV program baseball live ranked first: J-CAST news(Note, the opinion that "I hate television itself" ranked in 6th place)

Comic Nathalie - Beyond time to win the name again. TBS radio "Length vs Rock stone" for an imaginary relay(Memo, Yakushiji Temple appeared in commentary)

Makoto Biz.ID: Cost savings, business impact? It affects motivation!(Many people answer that they lost "margin" and "salary" by society, cost reduction)

The probability of encountering "ideal girl" is 0.0000034%, it is actually calculated by calculation .... | Narinari.com(Note, it seems natural that she thinks that even if she does not exist, considering this as a low probability)

Approximately 30% of parents in "Free of charge for high school tuition fees" worry "teacher's leadership deterioration" news - Oricon ranking of net securities · car insurance(Society, a decline in consciousness level at school attendance both teaching and teaching side is concerned)

Using a sleeping gusset, hair styling (Excite Bit connector) | Excite News(Note, cause of sleeping-off is due to hydrogen bonding)

Effective appeal method of "invited and waiting" - LOVE - Yorukoyoruta(Love, appeal to the light that "I am easy-going woman" so as not to become a heavy woman)

Nifty: Daily Portal Z: Introduction to Airdate(Memo, power of delusion is amazing)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): popular popular "Wakutama-kun" Wakura Onsen chubby character - society(Note, not entering "Yuru kyara" for now thought)

Middle 2 girls, many times cannabis "I was relieved to be caught": Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, "I am scared to think that I can quit as it is") I shed tears)

Senbutsu: Marching is Superfly 's Ballad - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Baseball, "The message that" I will chase tomorrow even with my heart that seems to be torn down "is included)

"Carrefour" brand annihilated from Japan - MSN Sankei News(Society, the name of Carrefour store name use license contract ends on March 9, so it will be operated under different name from March 10)

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Headline news on 14th January 2010 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log