Coffee custard is bitter sour Family Mart's "W Cream Eclair Tiramisu" Tasting Review

The first volume is released in autumn 2008Family Mart's chasing after the new taste has been released since its being "W Cream EclairThe sixth bullet "TiramisuSince it was on sale, I bought it and tried it.

Details are as below.
W Cream Eclair (Tiramisu) | Sweets + | Product Information | FamilyMart

"W cream eculea tiramisu" which entered the same stripe package as usual, one, 135 yen.

The contents are like this, inside which coffee custard and tiramisu cream are contained, cocoa powder is applied.

204 kcal per piece.

raw materials.

Eclair two, when viewed from the top it looks like ordinary eclair just by cocoa powder.

The contents are coffee custard cream instead of custard cream. The sweetness of the custard is weakening, and bitter and sour tasty like coffee are appearing, but the seasonal pattern, this acid taste has been thrilled to be "I should have bought a new guy for a moment"? As a aftertaste, the taste of coffee flavor and tiramisu cream spread in the mouth, feeling convinced that "Oh, it was tiramisu?" "W Cream Eclair" was characterized by the strength of custard cream, so it seemed as if it was eating a product of another lineup.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt