Timely strawberry taste of "W Cream Eclair" with plenty of cream and excellent cost performance Review

FamilyMart has been selling it since around 2008. "W Cream EclairIt is said that it was introduced on TV and it broke big in 2009, how much it broke 25 million meals.

As a new taste in November 2009 "W Cream Ecclair caramel"Family Mart seems to put considerable effort, such as being released, and the limited time strawberry flavor appeared as a new work this year as well. What kind of eclair did it really endure?

Review from below.
W Cream Eclair (strawberry) | Sweets + | Product Information | FamilyMart

This is W familiar W Cream Eclair, 150 yen.

And newly appearing W Cream Eclair (strawberry), 200 yen.

Normal Eclair is 284 kcal.

On the other hand, Ichigo Eclair is 267 kcal subtly low calories.

I arranged them on a dish.

I still have plenty of whipped cream as usual.

W cream Eclair (strawberry) has a cut strawberry.

Custard cream is crowded when you try to break it.

Ichigo Eclair is not defeated either.

Ichigo Eclair is a strawberry flavor with a little whipped cream. Using domestic strawberry, you can taste chocolate bitterness, sweetness of cream and acidity of strawberry at the same time. Of course it is a taste without complaints in desserts that can be bought cheaply, but 50 yen up compared to normal seems to be a pretty big price difference.

In addition, it is planned that FamilyMart will develop more and more new taste. I am looking forward to see what kind of Eclair will appear next time.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt