Siberian version Nessie? Monster of the lake who fears angler, 19 people victim in 3 years

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In a lake in west Siberia, the Loch NessNessieThere are a lot of sighting information of mysterious creatures like, and the existence of "something" that overturns the ship and pulls people into the lake seems to be fearful of anglers.

It was said that 19 people were killed in the past 3 years and the 59-year old male was dragged into the lake by the huge prey during boat fishing the other day, and the local residents were real Voices calling for a rigorous investigation are rising.

Details are as below.Russian fishermen demand an investigation into killer 'Nesski' | Mail Online

It is said that mysterious creatures live in the western part of SiberiaCheney Lake. The area is about 2000 km², the maximum width is 91 km, but the maximum water depth is 23 feet (7 m) wide and shallow freshwater lake.

Space shuttle in October 1994EndeavorCheney Lake shot from.

This "monster" is called "Nesski" (Nesski) among local people, and it is said that the neck is like a long dinosaur like Nessie. There seems to be sightings information such as "It was like a snake" "Huge fins and tails".

An eyewitness pointing to the position where one of the victims was drawn into the lake and a picture of the creature called "Nesky".

In Cheney Lake, 19 people have mysterious deaths in the past three years, and most of them have not found a corpse. In the case where the body was launched to the shore, traces that were eaten by creatures with large teeth were seen. Among local residents, it is said that the actual number of casualties is even greater than this.

Last week, a 59 - year - old man died during boat fishing, and there seems to be a growing call for a full - scale survey of mysterious creatures that are said to hide in the lake.

Mr. Vladimir Golishev (60), a deceased man's friend, said, "I was riding a boat with friends about 300 yards (about 270 meters) from the shore, something big prey hung, he stood up on the boat I began rolling the reel, but it was pulled with tremendous power, and the boat was overthrown. " "I have not surprised so much as I am alive, and in my shocked condition I took off my clothes and aimed at the shore desperately swimming, friends were dragged under the water, I did not understand it, the bodies were found Is not"

Mr. Nina (80), grandmother Mikhail Doronin (32 years old), a soldier belonging to a special forces who died three years ago, said, "The lake was quiet but suddenly the boat shook violently and the boat suddenly shook, And Nina's husband Vladimir (81 years old) said, "I have not seen it, but something very big creatures seem to live in this lake."

Although it is frozen in Cheney lake in winter, it is known that large carp is inhabited, and in the summer it is popular as a warm swimming lake. The sighting information of the mysterious creature "Neskie" is said to have been from the Soviet Union period. Vladimir Golishev, who lost his friend, said, "Now is the time to explore the truth."

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log