"Nintendo 3DS" will be released within the year or the new PSP "PSP - 4000" will also be released

At Nintendo in the early June 16th Japan time at the E3 game industry trade show held in the United StatesNintendo 3DS, a new mobile game machine, was unveiledAt the time this model was announced in March of this yearRelease date that was supposed to be "the fiscal year ended March 2011"However, it became clear that there is a possibility of being released within the year.

Also, there seems to be a possibility that the latest model of Sony's portable game machine "PSP" "PSP - 4000" will be released within the year.

Details are as below.
IR Library List | IR Library | Investor Relations | GEO CORPORATION

According to the financial statement explanation material of the fiscal year ending March 2009 that Geo, which handles rental of DVDs and sales of games, released on May 17, "Nintendo 3DS" and "PSP-4000" are expected to be released within the year It seems to be.

This is GEO's presentation materials for the fiscal year ended March 2009 for the results briefing.
(PDF file)Presentation materials 2010.05.17 Financial results explanation materials for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009 | IR Library | Investor Relations |

Featured work list for the fiscal year ending March 2011, which is the key to the company's future performance. There are descriptions that "Nintendo 3DS" and "PSP - 4000" will be released at the bottom of the list within the year, while leading titles such as "Pocket Monster Black / White" and "Monster Hunter Portable 3rd" are launched at the end of the year .

Although it is unknown whether it will really be released according to this schedule because it is a prospect by Geo that was announced before the end E3, while Nintendo considers the release date to be "the fiscal year ended March 2011", in the future "within the fiscal year" To clarify the prospect that Nintendo 3DS will be on sale within the year may be that there is some basis.

in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log